Baldness is a common condition affecting aesthetics and psychology. Treatment time depends on the cause, level of hair loss and method. One of the most common methods is to use oral or sprays. The treatment effect may after 2-8 weeks, but for hair growth often needs 6-12 months.

For faster results, you can choose an injection therapy or needle with platelet -rich plasma (PRP), hair growth stimulator or 4D laser. PRP is the method of taking the blood of the patient itself, splitting platelet -rich plasma and injecting into the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles to grow. A prp or hair growth-stimulating treatment is usually less than an hour and need to be performed regularly every 4-6 weeks, for about 3-6 months to see the results.

4D laser uses a wavelength of 2940 nm, also known as Erbium laser: YAG, stimulating blood circulation and growth factors to hair follicles, helping them grow. This method is safe, less painful, can improve baldness after 3-6 months if done regularly.


The doctor uses 4D laser to treat hair loss. Artwork: Tam Anh General Hospital

When the above methods do not bring the desired effect, you can choose to transplant hair for high and long -term effect. This method needs a doctor who has a lot of experienced in meticulousness and high accuracy, lasting for 4-8 hours. After hair transplant, hair needs time to rest before entering the new development cycle. This method helps to improve the situation, can work after 6-12 months.

You should go to the dermatologist – aesthetics for skin examination for advice on appropriate methods. Regardless of the method, you need to be diagnosed exactly the cause of hair loss for effective treatment. Factors of hair loss such as stress, genetics, endocrine hair loss, autoimmune diseases, scalp fungus, other inflammatory diseases.

You also need to follow treatment, healthy life and proper hair care for optimal results, avoid hair loss again. Eat and balance the group, rich in vitamins and minerals, avoid stress, do not use toxic chemicals on the scalp.

By Editor

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