Sinuses are empty cavities, filled with air, located behind the jaw bone, including sinus, sinus sinuses, forehead sinuses and butterfly sinuses. Sinusitis is a condition of sinus mucosa next to the inflamed nose, edema, producing many viral, bacterial or fungal mucus, causing clogged sinuses. Typical symptoms are stuffy nose, nose, facial pain and around the eye sockets, headache, fever, reduced sensitivity of smell, bad breath …
Sinusitis is not inherited, but some genetic factors can facilitate the formation. The variant in the TAS2R38 gene (related to the ability to perceive bitterness) may affect the sinus protection mechanism. The TAS2R38 receptors help detect bacteria and activate the immune reaction by promoting the production of nitric oxides, enhancing the movement of the feathers in the nose to eliminate the pathogen. The variant of this gene can impair the protection mechanism, making it easier for people to carry gene mutations.
Other genetic factors such as mutations in the Alox15 gene related to nasal polyps may also increase the risk of chronic sinusitis. Folliculum (related to the CFTR gene) is a genetic disease that changes the thickness of the mucus in the lungs, intestines and nasal sugar. One of the complications of the disease is chronic sinus infections.
Dr. Phat advises a sick person. Artwork: Tam Anh Clinic District 7
Many genetic variants related to cytokine, increasing the inflammatory reaction of the body. With this increase, whether due to pathogens or overall infection, it leads to chronic sinusitis.
Genetic variants in CFTR gene, HLA gene, congenital immune gene, inflammatory intermediate substance (including IL13, IL33) and genes related to tissue regeneration, arachidonic acid metabolism can affect sinusitis formation.
Sinusitis due to genetic factors are treated similar to sinusitis due to other causes including the use of spray or oral steroids, antibiotics if severe infections, antihistamine drugs when allergic sinusitis. Patients can combine other local methods such as washing the nose and throat with physiological saline, using air moisturizer, drinking plenty of water … If the disease does not respond to medical treatment, the doctor may consider sinus surgery.
Environmental factors are also the cause of sinusitis. Many people in a family, exposed to the same atmosphere at risk of sinusitis are similar. You and your daughter should see an ear, nose and throat specialist for the doctor to check, diagnose the causes accurately, timely treatment.
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