5 things to do every day to reduce bad breath

In addition to drinking enough water, dental hygiene or chewing a betel leaf after meals contributes to reducing the smell of breath, bringing a more comfortable feeling.

Bad breath can happen even if you have brushed your teeth and dentin regularly. The cause may be related to improper oral hygiene, the tongue is covered with yeast. There are many microorganisms residing in the mouth and some also exist on the surface of the tongue, under the border of the gums or between the gums and teeth.

Bad breath can also be caused by hidden dental disorders such as tooth decay, food attached to or gingivitis. Unsatreable diabetes, acid reflux, dry mouth, fever and upper respiratory infection can also make the breath smell. This condition can be controlled by maintaining the following healthy habits.

Maintain healthy digestive system

A healthy, reasonable diet can help reduce bad breath due to gastroesophageal reflux. Chew food carefully and maintain healthy meals for the digestive system to function normally. Avoid foods such as dairy products, onions, garlic, meat and dried seafood to prevent unpleasant breathing. Drinking warm water after meals also supports digestion.

Keep oral hygiene

Food debris and fragments left in the teeth may be decomposed if not brushing regularly. Plaque on the teeth also contains bacteria, can destroy enamel, causing tooth decay. All of this is at risk of bad breath. Therefore, each person should brush their teeth twice a day, and use dental, mouthwash after each meal.

Rinse your mouth after waking up

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water is one of the simple ways to reduce bad breath. Rinse your mouth with warm water to eliminate bad bacteria and food particles in the mouth. It also works to maintain good oral hygiene and prevent unpleasant odors, keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Chew a betel leaf after meals

Chewing betel or betel leaf is also beneficial by helping to produce saliva, support digestion, reduce constipation and maintain better oral hygiene. Other herbs also have oral disinfection effects such as clove, nutmeg, mint. They both bring cool breath and reduce sore throat.

Keep enough water

Drink enough liquid, contributing to cleaning bacteria and food particles left in the mouth. Prioritize filtered water, avoid carbonated drinks like soda because the supplementary sugar will stick to teeth and gums. It mixes with the remaining substances after meals leading to bad breath.

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