Apples contain about 85% water, 14% carbohydrate, lots of vitamin C and E, potassium minerals, polyphenols – compounds that are beneficial for the heart. Apple polyphenol content fluctuates about 66.2-211.9 mg/100 g, helping to improve vascular function, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, control blood lipids. Raw apple, especially the skin, contains the most fiber and polyphenol, bringing maximum benefits to cardiovascular health.
Apple provides soluble fiber and beneficial polyphenols, reducing the risk of heart disease and hypertension. Soluble fiber supports bad cholesterol, while polyphenols, especially flavonoids, can lower blood pressure and stroke room.
Eat 1-2 apples every day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and enhance overall health. Image: Vy Phan
Quercetin in apples contributes to control of type 2 diabetes or reduces the risk of disease. These compounds help stabilize blood sugar, increase insulin sensitivity. Adding apples to the diet is a simple way to protect the body’s metabolic function.
The abundant fiber content in apples also stimulates digestion, prevents constipation and supports healthy intestinal bacteria. Thanks to low calories but rich in fiber, apples help control weight by creating a feeling of fullness, limiting appetite. Vitamin C and plant compounds promote immunity, protect the body from bacteria and infections.
This fruit has the effect of beautifying the skin, supporting collagen production, so that the skin is firm and slow aging. Eat apples often stimulate saliva production, reduce bacteria in the oral cavity, protect teeth and gums. Apple also contributes to maintaining bone health thanks to antioxidants and boron, preventing osteoporosis when age increases.
Eat the apple cover provides a lot of fiber, antioxidants. Before eating, you need to wash with salt water or soak baking soda to eliminate pesticides. Although apples contain many benefits, they do not eat too much, should only enjoy 1-2 fruits a day to avoid absorbing too much natural sugar. In addition, you should limit bottled apple juice because they often contain additional sugars, which can increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.
To prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes you should have regular health checks at cardiovascular and endocrine specialist. Maintain a reasonable diet, living and resting, participating in sports, physical activity for the body to regulate, metabolism easily. You can regularly supplement natural essences from GDL-5 from South American sugarcane chalk with natural policosanol ingredients that support cholesterol, regulate blood fat, control hypertension, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
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