3 rules that are important to follow when eating chocolate
If when you are asked how you are with chocolate you answer “it’s complicated”, you are not alone. A high percentage of the population reports a desire and desire for chocolate, many even feel addicted to a few chocolate cubes after the meal, which usually come with quite a few feelings of guilt.In recent years, many studies have been published that shed light on eating chocolate of all kinds, and many approaches come out against labeling foods according to the headings of prohibited and permitted. So how can you learn to live with chocolate in peace and is there such a thing as healthy chocolate?

Let’s start from the end, yes.

Many tests show that dark chocolate contributes to health and it is recommended to incorporate it into our diet as long as we observe a few rules of thumb:

As much cocoa solids as possible

The first rule is that the higher the percentage of cocoa solids in chocolate, the greater its health benefits. This is the same chocolate we know as “dark chocolate” that contains over 70 percent cocoa solids, and here we will emphasize – the more it is, the better it is. True, the higher the percentage of cocoa solids, the higher the bitterness of the chocolate, but quality dark chocolate is a delicacy with significant health benefits.

As few other ingredients as possible

The second rule that is important to pay attention to is that it is worth checking the other ingredients on the back of the package such as the amount of trans fat, flavoring agents, food coloring and of course the amount of sugar. It must be remembered that the more processing the chocolate goes through, the more its healthy ingredients are damaged, so our aim should be for chocolate that contains as little of these as possible.

Do not go overboard

The third rule and perhaps the most important is of course the quantity – it must be remembered that even the healthiest chocolate contains at the end of the day a high amount of calories and fat, and its inclusion in the menu in an unbalanced way may lead to obesity and then of course its reward will be lost.

The health benefits of chocolate

So what is in chocolate that can benefit our health? It was found that dark chocolate has a positive effect on the various body systems:

Increases heart health: The antioxidants in dark chocolate have been proven to reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of clotting and increase blood flow to the heart, thus reducing the risks of stroke, heart disease and death.

Balances the immune system: Chocolate contributes to the functioning of the immune system and it contains antioxidants that help fight the free radicals responsible for a large part of the diseases we face.

Improves insulin sensitivity: Researchers have found that nutrients found in chocolate reduce the sensitivity of insulin resistance, help maintain normal blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation and thus may reduce the incidence of diabetes.

Stress reducer: People who ate dark chocolate reported feeling less stressed, and researchers confirmed that after eating dark chocolate there were reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This may be related to the effects of dark chocolate on heart health, as stress is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Stop feeling guilty

The studies show that people who associate chocolate with a positive emotion contribute to more successful weight maintenance than people who associate it with guilt. In addition to this, it was found that those people who feel guilty develop feelings of helplessness in everything related to nutrition, unhealthy eating behaviors, dissatisfaction with their body image and, by implication, a decrease in quality of life.


A woman eating dessert (photo: aloragriffiths/unsplash)
Plan the day properly | Photo: aloragriffiths/unsplash

In principle, labeling any food as “forbidden” leads to increased cravings for that food and in the end to “falls” and increased and uncontrollable eating.

Try therefore to define your relationship with chocolate, learn to enjoy it in moderation and without guilt. Pay attention to the timing of eating and how it is integrated into the menu and make well-considered decisions that allow you to have control. If you know that you are expected to go to a restaurant in the evening where there is a special chocolate dessert, you might decide to forgo your daily portion of chocolate after lunch.

The author is Omer Rosenberg, director of the instructor training school NEXT FITNESS

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