Can you jog with a herniated disc?

The intervertebral disc is located between the vertebrae and acts as a cushion, helping to absorb shock for the spine when the body moves. Over time, injuries and natural aging of bones and joints cause the discs to become damaged, thinner, and less elastic. At this time, the vertebrae rub against each other, causing pain and limiting motor function. When the disc comes out of its original position, it presses on the spinal cord and nerves in the spinal canal, causing local pain and sensory disturbances.

Pain and difficulty moving can make the patient not want to exercise. However, exercise is an important part of disc herniation treatment, helping to reduce pain and improve mobility.

When the patient jogs, the body operates continuously at high intensity, all the weight is pressed on the legs and waist, causing stress to the intervertebral disc. This is not a suitable sport for people with disc herniation, as it risks aggravating symptoms.

Patients should also avoid exercising at the gym, football, basketball, badminton, tennis… These sports force the patient to move a lot, change positions suddenly, increasing pressure on the spine and discs. mattress, can make the disease worse.

Instead, patients should play sports such as swimming, yoga, pull-ups… With swimming, when the body is in water, gravity decreases, creating an opportunity for the intervertebral disc to rest. The coordination between movements of arms, legs, back, abdomen… helps strengthen muscle groups, protect and strengthen spinal function.

Yoga has the effect of stretching muscle groups, making bones and joints more flexible, increasing blood circulation to nourish cartilage and joint tissue, reducing pain.

No matter what sport you choose, you need to ensure the principles include warming up carefully before practicing; Exercise at moderate intensity, do not overexercise; Stop immediately if you feel pain, fatigue or other unusual signs. You should wear appropriate clothes and shoes, and use protective equipment if necessary; drink enough water…

By Editor

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