Improvement in the condition of the 7-year-old from the Bedouin diaspora who was seriously injured in the Iranian attack
About a month ago, 7-year-old Amina Alhousani from the town of Euphoria in the Bedouin diaspora was seriously injured following the Iranian attack on Israel, when shrapnel fell in the family’s home and hit the room where the children were sleeping. Soroka Hospital reported that these days she is breathing on her own again, and her condition is now defined as stable.Dr. Tzachi Hazer, director of the pediatric intensive care unit at Saban Children’s Hospital in Soroka, says that Amina’s condition has indeed improved, but she is still suffering from serious problems related to her injury. Physiotherapy and occupational therapy. However, due to the complications of the severe injury she suffered, she is expected to undergo several more surgeries on the way to her recovery.”


Her father, Mohammed, tells Mako Health in an interview this morning that the family is happy and excited in light of the improvement in her condition. “She talks, recognizes us, and even came back to eat a little.”

According to him, at this stage she still does not remember the details of the case. “She is a little girl, she was hit by the missile while she was sleeping. She says that she felt as if she had been hit by her brother who was sleeping next to her.” Muhammad explains that Amina suffers from, among other things, limited movement on the left side of her body following the injury, and therefore she is still hospitalized in intensive care, alongside her family who is with her throughout the day.

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