The 26-year-old man was smoking and lighting gasoline while burning grass to clear the fields. The fire broke out, causing burns to 75% of his body. He underwent an 11-hour surgery to be able to open his mouth to eat, drink and communicate.

On May 28, Doctor Than Van Hung, in charge of Deputy Director, Department of Microplastic Burn Surgery, Military Hospital 175, said that a patient living in Dak Lak came to the hospital with his chin, neck and mouth deformed by scar. This sequela makes it difficult for the patient to eat, drink, talk, and the neck is bent and stuck to the chest wall.

In addition, scar contraction also causes difficulty in movement in the hands and armpits. Previously, he was given first aid and burn treatment at a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, helping him escape a dangerous situation.

According to Dr. Hung, to solve severe scarring in the neck, armpits and deformed hands, the team applied a special technique called flap transfer microsurgery. This is a high technique, requiring absolute thoroughness and precision. The doctor transfers a patch of skin along with nourishing blood vessels from one area of ​​the body to another. The blood vessels are connected under a surgical microscope, helping to re-establish circulation in damaged areas.

A doctor operated on a patient on May 16. Image: Hospital provided

“During the surgery, the team faced many challenges, from finding blood vessels in the neck hidden deep under a thick layer of sticky scars to removing a large flap of skin from the anterior and outer thigh area,” the doctor said. . The surgery lasted 11 hours on May 16. Doctors successfully connected the skin flap with three vascular pedicles to three receiving vascular pedicles in the neck area.

After surgery, the skin flap is very good and soft, the patient can stretch his neck as much as possible, open his mouth to eat, drink and communicate more easily. Motor function in the neck and mouth area is restored, bringing a better quality of life after a long time living with thick scar tissue in the neck area.

The patient gradually recovered after surgery, opened his mouth, ate, and communicated. Image: Hospital provided

Doctors advise people to be careful when using substances that can cause fires and explosions such as gasoline, kerosene, alcohol… Do not extinguish gasoline flames with water. You should use a blanket or sheet to cover the victim. After extinguishing the fire, continuously pour clean water onto the burned area for 30-60 minutes to prevent deeper burns. Keep the burn clean, do not break the burn, do not arbitrarily apply medicine, do not peel off clothing or skin that is stuck to the burn. Use sterile gauze or clean cloth to cover the burn and then take the victim to the hospital. Do not treat at home.

By Editor

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