Having had menstrual disorders for 12 years, the mother of 4 children learned that she has two uteruses

Older brotherHaving lost a lot of blood during her menstrual period, Jade Williams, 31, went to the hospital for a check-up and discovered she had double uterus syndrome, which means having two uteruses.

After giving birth to her first child in November 2012, Williams, then 19 years old, often had heavy menstrual bleeding and had to use up to 30 sanitary pads a day. This condition later gets worse, accompanied by writhing abdominal pain.

Doctors say this is a common phenomenon for many women. She was prescribed hormonal contraceptives to control bleeding, but it was ineffective. Williams then became pregnant and gave birth to three more children, and the bleeding continued.

For a decade, Williams did not know what disease he had, and finally decided to go to another hospital for a more thorough examination. In October 2023, the results of a uterine scan and biopsy unexpectedly revealed that Williams was born with two uteruses, which was the reason for the abnormal menstrual bleeding.

This rare condition is called double uterus syndrome (uterus didelphys), affecting 0.03% of women. The disease occurs when the female fetus is developing in the mother’s womb. The patient grows up with two separate cervixes, and in some cases two vaginas. They are often discovered to have a double uterus after puberty through regular medical examinations and ultrasounds. Women with a double uterus may experience problems during pregnancy such as miscarriage or premature birth.

“I bled heavily after giving birth to my first daughter,” Williams recalls. At that time, the doctor gave her medicine, but it had no effect. She suffered from bloating and anxiety while pregnant.

Jade Williams. Image: SWNS

After determining the condition of the double uterus, the doctor appointed Williams for surgery. The doctor also removed 9 uterine polyps for her.

After the operation, the second uterus began to become congested. Williams received a hormonal IUD to help make her menstrual cycle lighter, shorter and less painful. The IUD is placed into the uterus without blockage, helping her no longer worry about heavy menstrual bleeding.

“My situation is much better. Now I can swim with my children whenever they want,” she shared.

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