New study: Internet addiction damages the structure of the brain in children
Further evidence of the harmful effect of prolonged exposure to screens in children and teenagers: A new study has shown that young people with Internet addiction experience changes in the chemical activity of the brain that can lead them to more severe addictions. The findings were published in the mental health journal PLOS Mental Health.The researchers reviewed 12 previous studies that included 237 ten to 19-year-olds who were diagnosed as suffering from Internet addiction, between the years 2013 and 2023. This diagnosis was included in the new psychiatric diagnosis book. The subjects underwent a functional magnetic resonance scan – fMRI. In this test, the brain is scanned using the MRI machine, and during the test the brain function in different areas of the brain is observed in real time. The researchers looked at how areas of the brain communicate with each other in those suffering from Internet addiction.

The researchers found that the effects were evident in all brain regions of the young people’s brains. Even when the participants were resting, increased brain activity was observed. At the same time, an overall decrease was observed in the communication of functions in the parts of the brain involved in active thinking, memory and decision-making. The researchers found that these changes may cause addictive tendencies in adolescents, as well as behavioral changes related to mental health, development, intellectual ability and physical coordination.

head of the research team, Max Chenag,said: “Adolescence is a crucial developmental stage during which people undergo significant changes in biology, cognition and personality. As a result, the brain is particularly vulnerable to impulses related to Internet addiction, compulsive use of networks and media consumption. The findings show that these may lead to negative behavioral and developmental changes that may affect their lives. For example, they may struggle to maintain relationships and social activity, lie about their prolonged activity in front of the screen and experience irregular eating and disturbed sleep. We would suggest that parents enforce reasonable time limits for the children’s daily use of the Internet and, if necessary, contact doctors who can offer psychological treatment, or psychotherapy.”

“From birth to our late twenties, our brain is engaged in constant development,” explains Dr Lior Ungaran expert in neurosurgery and pain medicine from the Sheba Medical Center, “The brain develops in the various structures, in the wiring and communication between them, and also in the way of secreting various chemical substances that are necessary for its functioning. In the processes of addiction, the brain changes to bring pleasure, which leads to an increase in the need for the same stimulus, such as exposure to screens. This is how the brain requires A greater secretion of chemical substances such as dopamine, which will require more exposure to screens, resulting in addiction. We are already seeing the negative effect of exposing children and youth to the hours of the day, and we will not be surprised if in the near future we discover that this exposure also damages other brain abilities of the children. For the development of curiosity, creativity, understanding, empathy, organization and communication between people.”

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