Can people with cirrhosis eat beef?

Cirrhosis is the late stage of scar tissue formation (fibrosis) in the liver. Each time it is damaged, the liver tries to repair itself but can leave behind scar tissue. Scar tissue gradually increases over time, hindering the normal functioning of this organ. They block the flow of blood through the liver, slow down the liver’s processing of nutrients, hormones, drugs and toxins, and reduce the production of proteins and other substances made by the liver. Cirrhosis can cause many dangerous complications, even death.

People with cirrhosis like your father should follow a specialized nutritional regimen as prescribed by a gastroenterologist, hepatologist or nutritionist. The goal is to contribute to fibrosis control, prevent complications, and improve treatment effectiveness.

On average, 100 g of beef provides 25.9 g of protein and 15.4 g of fat (including saturated fat and monounsaturated fat), 12 vitamins and 9 essential minerals. Protein helps build and repair tissues in the body, including liver tissue.

Do not eat more than 510g per week or 85g at a time. Eating too much beef can make cirrhosis worse or cause dangerous complications. Eating beef in moderate amounts helps patients improve immunity, produce energy, fight oxidation and enhance liver function. People with cirrhosis who eat beef feel full longer, limiting sudden increases in blood sugar after meals, thereby contributing to preventing diabetes and fatty liver.

The nutritional value of beef is often inconsistent, depending on the location of the meat on the cow’s body, fat percentage, breed, climatic conditions and farming methods. Loin, shoulder, breast, and rump parts often have less fat content than other parts such as neck, muscle, bone, or pork belly.

Patients who consume the wrong type of beef or prepare it improperly also have adverse effects on their health. Therefore, it is best for your father to consult a doctor before adding beef to his daily diet, have regular check-ups, and comply with the treatment regimen. Limit alcohol use, stay away from cigarette smoke, maintain a reasonable weight, and exercise moderately. You should get a flu shot and vaccines to prevent hepatitis A, B, and pneumonia.

Supplementing natural essences such as S.Marianum and Wasabia helps control kupffer cell activity (resident macrophages in the liver). From there, patients can improve inflammation, increase detoxification ability, and protect the liver against harmful agents.

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