Does eating jackfruit with other foods cause poisoning?

Jackfruit is a familiar fruit of the tropics, with many nutrients that are good for health. Jackfruit contains abundant vitamin C. Also contains B vitamins including vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin and folic acid. Jackfruit seeds are also high in protein, potassium, calcium and iron.

However, this fruit contains a lot of fructose and glucose, which when eaten are immediately absorbed by the body, making it difficult to control blood sugar levels.

In fact, there have not been any studies or cases showing that jackfruit eaten with other fruits or foods will cause poisoning.

However, eating jackfruit with potatoes or drinking it with milk will increase the amount of sugar in the dish, which can cause indigestion, increased blood sugar, and acne. Even leading to excess energy causing overweight and obesity if eating jackfruit with the above dishes for a long time.

Normally you should only eat 100-150g of jackfruit at a time, about 5-6 segments of jackfruit. When eating jackfruit, you need to reduce your carbohydrate intake (starch, fruit, sugar…) to avoid increasing blood sugar and unnecessary excess energy.

By Editor

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