5 foods rich in vitamin D that children should eat regularly

Children eat mushrooms, eggs, salmon, and drink milk every day so that the body can absorb enough vitamin D to promote bone development and strengthen the brain.

Children lacking vitamin D are at risk of osteoporosis, rickets, and cognitive impairment. This condition is diagnosed through blood tests. Babies 0-12 months old need about 10 mcg per day, 1-18 years old need 15 mcg. Below are foods rich in vitamin D that are good for children.


Mushrooms are one of the foods rich in vitamin D because during the growing process, mushrooms are exposed to direct sunlight. The vitamin D content in each type of mushroom will vary. This food also contains minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that support body functions. Mushrooms are good for heart health, people with diabetes and pregnant women. Parents can add mushrooms to omelets or cook mushroom soup for their babies.


One large egg has up to 70 calories, 6 g protein and 5 g fat. Egg yolks contain vitamin B12, vitamin D and choline which help the body process food into energy. Adequate vitamin D supplementation can increase calcium absorption. Thanks to that, bones and joints become stronger and stronger. Children who eat eggs regularly also develop better height.


Salmon is rich in vitamin D, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of vitamin D in salmon helps the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus. These vitamins and minerals are all important for building strong bones. Omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart, reduce inflammation and support brain health. Salmon is rich in vitamin B12, which is necessary for red blood cell production and nerve signal transmission.

The nutritional value of salmon varies depending on the type, catching and rearing status. Natural fish contains higher levels of protein and vitamin D, while industrially farmed fish is rich in good fats.

Orange juice

Oranges are rich in vitamins A, C, B, E and D, which are indispensable in a healthy diet. However, parents should not let their babies drink too much orange juice because the acid in oranges can easily affect digestion. Drink orange juice on a full stomach to avoid hangovers.


In addition to calcium, milk also provides vitamin D, which is important for developing healthy bones. Babies who do not receive enough of these two nutrients may have rickets and bowed legs. Children should eat foods rich in vitamin D and sunbathe for about 30 minutes a day. The appropriate time is early morning or late afternoon, avoid hours of intense sunlight around 10-3pm. In the summer, when the weather is hot and humid, parents can let their babies bask in the sun in cool places such as gardens and balconies, avoiding hot areas.

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