Peeling skin syndrome

Exfoliative skin syndrome is characterized by spontaneous, painless, continuous shedding of the skin due to the separation of the outermost layer of the epidermis (stratum corneum) from the layers below.

This article is expertly advised by Dr. Ta Quoc Hung, Department of Dermatology – Skin Aesthetics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital.


– Peeling skin syndrome belongs to a group of rare genetic skin disorders.

– The process of peeling off the outermost layer of skin happens quickly or more seriously, but is painless and happens continuously.

Symptoms may be present at birth or appear during childhood and are often aggravated by friction, heat or other external factors.


Exfoliative skin syndrome can be caused by pathogenic variants in many genes that encode proteins that are important for cell adhesion and epidermal protease inhibitors that control skin aging and death. skin.


– Involves the skin of the entire body (generalized form).

– Limited to the limbs, mainly the hands and feet (localized form).

Signs and symptoms

– In localized forms, the person develops blisters and erosions on the hands and feet at birth or during the neonatal period.

Generalized types of inflammation, such as SAM syndrome or Netherton syndrome may be associated with generalized skin inflammation (erythroderma) or localized thick red patches (erythrokeratoderma), immune disorders with IgE levels high, allergic and susceptible to infection, failure to develop or metabolic waste.


– According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders in the US (NORD), to effectively treat peeling skin syndrome, it is necessary to find out the patient’s history and physical examination.

– The doctor will perform a number of specialized tests, including surgical removal and microscopic evaluation (pathology) of the affected tissues.


– Treat peeling skin syndrome by applying emollient ointment (emollient), especially after bathing while the skin is still damp.

– Lubricating oil or Vaseline is preferred.

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