Should you remove earwax with a cotton swab?

The wax glands secrete wax that combines with peeling epidermal cells and dirt in the ear to form a brown, gray or black mixture (depending on race) that we call earwax.

Earwax is acidic, so it has a sour smell, helping to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi. Normal ears always produce wax to perform the function of cleaning and protecting the ear canal.

According to the movements of the lower jaw when chewing, swallowing, talking, and following the peeling cycle of the ear canal skin epidermis, wax will automatically fall out of the ear canal so there is no need to clean it.

In some cases, such as a history of mastoid ear surgery, people who have had radiotherapy to the ear area, or due to abnormalities in the structure of the wax, the wax will accumulate and form a plug, causing a buzzing feeling in the ear, hearing loss, and ringing. , itchy. At that time, the patient should see a specialist for ear care.

You should not remove wax yourself with a cotton swab or an ear hook because it will push the wax inside close to the eardrum, possibly perforating the eardrum and tearing the skin of the ear canal. Do not remove wax at a barbershop because of safety risks such as fungal infection of the ear canal and ear injury.

It’s best to go to a specialist for safe and effective earwax removal.

By Editor

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