4 types of milk that are good for people with fatty liver disease

Yogurt, almonds, green beans, and brown rice do not contain cholesterol and saturated fat, which are good for people with fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver is a condition in which a lot of fat accumulates in the liver, i.e. more than 5% of the liver weight. This disease is not dangerous in its early stages. However, if no corrective measures are taken, the amount of fat accumulated over time can cause hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

Master and Doctor Doan Vinh Binh, Medical Information Center, Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, said that in the diet, people with fatty liver disease should choose milks that do not contain or contain little cholesterol and saturated fat.

Yogurt Contains many vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and digestive probiotics that are good for health. People with fatty liver use yogurt daily in appropriate amounts to help control the amount of cortisol secreted, supporting the burning of excess fat in the body. Combine yogurt with flaxseeds, walnuts, and cashews to increase fiber, vitamin E, and omega-3, contributing to reducing insulin resistance and reducing fat in the liver.

Almond milk Contains no cholesterol and very little saturated fat to help improve hepatitis and fatty liver. This drink is rich in vitamin E – an antioxidant that protects the liver. The low calorie content of almond milk can control weight, limit excess fat and reduce fat accumulation in the liver. People with fatty liver disease should add almond milk to their diet to control the amount of fat in the body.

Green bean milk Provides many antioxidants including phenolic acid, caffeic acid, cinnamic acid, flavonoids and soluble fibers, which neutralize free radicals and prevent fat deposition in the liver. Green beans can promote reduction of inflammation in the liver and lower liver enzymes.

Brown rice milk has high nutritional value. In addition to starch, sugar, protein and fiber, each grain of brown rice contains B vitamins, folic, phytic, and trace elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. The bran layer of brown rice contains a special oil that regulates blood pressure, reduces bad cholesterol, and supports liver detoxification.

Doctor Binh recommends that people with fatty liver should live scientifically and exercise regularly. Eat moderately, limit alcohol and tobacco, and have regular health check-ups to improve your condition. Supplementing herbs with natural extracts helps protect the liver and enhance resistance. The essences extracted from wasabia and s. Natural marianum helps reduce the burden on the liver by controlling kupffer cells (macrophages in the liver) from being overactive. From there, they also reduce inflammation and damage in the liver, enhance the detoxification process, and protect this organ.

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