Beautiful skin, nails, and hair with 5 dietary secrets

Avocado helps improve skin elasticity, walnuts and almonds support healing and promote hair growth.

Fresh appearance reflects diet. Certain nutrients are important for the dermal system, the outer layer of the body that includes the skin, nails, and hair. Adding the following foods to your diet can help you have beautiful skin, healthy hair, and beautiful nails.

Carrots and spinach protect the skin and stimulate keratin production

Beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, is used to produce keratin – a protein essential for skin, nail and hair health. The best sources are orange fruits and vegetables like squash, carrots, melons, mangoes, papaya, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, and some red fruits and vegetables like peppers. red, tomato.

The combination of orange fruit with anise sauce is a great way to get carotenoids in the summer. Place orange fruit pieces (mango, papaya, apricots, nectarines, peaches, melon) in a large bowl. In a jar with a lid, whisk together orange juice, 5 grams of finely grated fresh ginger, 5 grams of honey and 2 star anise. Drizzle the sauce over the fruit and add finely grated lemon zest on top.

Avocado helps prevent inflammation and improves skin elasticity

Avocados are rich in vitamins C and E. Photo: Telegraph

Vitamins C and E, two powerful antioxidants, are beneficial for skin, nail and hair health. A study by the University of Otago, New Zealand, found that a combination of vitamins C and E helps reduce skin inflammation caused by excessive sun exposure. Avocados contain both of these vitamins and healthy monounsaturated fats. Eating avocado has been shown to improve skin elasticity. About 100 g of avocado contains 2 mg of vitamin E, while the recommended daily intake is 3 mg for women and 4 mg for men. Avocados also contain 10 mg of vitamin C (recommended daily intake is 40 mg).

Put the juice of one lemon, a handful of chopped coriander, one chopped ripe tomato, half a small red onion finely chopped and one seedless green chili finely chopped into a bowl. Add the flesh of 2 large ripe avocados and mash it all together, then season with salt and pepper. This dish is best when eaten right after cooking.

The seeds support collagen production and prevent hair loss

Collagen accounts for 1/3 of the total protein in the body and 3/4 of the dry weight of the skin. Collagen production decreases with age, leading to loose and wrinkled skin. Along with vitamin C, magnesium and zinc are also important in collagen production. Seeds are a good source of both of these minerals, especially sunflower seeds also contain biotin or vitamin B7, which is essential for hair health and prevents hair loss. One study showed that biotin deficiency was present in 38% of women with hair loss problems.

Eating whole grain breads filled with seeds, adding ground seeds to smoothies and sprinkling roasted seeds on savory dishes like soups and salads are simple ways to add them to your diet. You can also make a mineral-rich snack mix by combining seeds, mixed nuts and dark chocolate.

Walnuts and almonds help heal skin and promote hair growth

Omega-3 helps reduce skin sensitivity to light and improves immune function by speeding up wound healing. This substance can stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss. In addition to oily fish, other important sources of omega-3 include nuts and seeds, especially flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.

Make an omega-3 rich nut butter for breakfast by placing 150g walnuts and almonds, 25g sunflower seeds, 15g flaxseeds, 15g chia seeds and 6g salt in a blender. Blend on low speed for one minute, slowly adding 3 tablespoons of cold-pressed canola oil. Then blend on high speed for at least 10 minutes until smooth. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

Nuts are a rich source of magnesium and zinc, essential for hair health. Image: Freepik

Green tea helps restore skin, hair and nails

Polyphenols (antioxidants) in green tea reduce the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. This substance also repairs DNA in skin cells damaged by the sun’s UV rays. Research shows that EGCG in green tea helps moisturize skin, reduces hair loss and prevents skin, hair and nail infections.

Make a skin-boosting smoothie by blending 300 g mixed strawberries (such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries) with 250 ml unsweetened kefir (or 150 ml milk and 30 g unsweetened yogurt) and 5 g matcha powder. Blend and enjoy.

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