From soy to rice drink: the complete guide to milk substitutes
The milk substitute market in Israel is gaining momentum at a dizzying pace, offering consumers a wide variety of plant-based drinks that are an alternative to cow’s milk for those who prefer to avoid it due to veganism and vegetarianism, ideological motives or due to lactose intolerance, allergies or different taste preferences.

How do you choose a replacement that suits your personal needs?

The choice of the appropriate replacement requires reference to several parameters – first, frequency of consumption: Those who sip a few sips of a rice drink with their coffee cannot compare their needs to those who rely on plant-based drinks as a main source of their daily diet. Second – from a nutritional point of view, it is always recommended to choose substitutes that pass Minimal processing. That is – drinks with a short list of ingredients, which contains less stabilizers, artificial flavors and other ingredients that you are not familiar with. Also, it is important to choose a replacement No added sugar containing A good amount of protein (about 3%) and calcium (about 100 mg per 100 ml). Of course, taste and the experience of pleasure are also important.

From soy to almond drink

Soy drink

In general, this drink is the most recommended choice among plant-based drinks, especially for children, those allergic to milk and for vegans who consume plant-based drinks frequently. The soybean is the only legume in the substitute market. It naturally contains calcium, complete protein (which contains all the essential amino acids) as well as fat to an extent that contributes to a good texture even without food additives, therefore it allows you to enjoy a drink with a composition similar to milk with minimal processing. Contains about 3 g of protein and about 100 mg of calcium in 100 ml of a fortified drink.

Despite the information that was prevalent in the past, it is important to know that soy is a safe legume for consumption at all stages of life and has good health effects, so there is no reason to fear giving a natural soy drink to children, pregnant women, etc.

Oat drink

This drink is preferred by many in terms of taste, but it is important to understand that oats are a grain, so they are naturally rich in carbohydrates. During the processing part of it breaks down and turns into sugar, even when there is no added sugar in the product. Moreover, oat drinks often contain vegetable oil such as canola oil, which gives it a creamier and richer texture, so it is considered more processed. When used sparingly for the daily coffee, this should not be a problem, but when used regularly and for children or vegans, this drink is not a suitable substitute.

Nut drinks (almond/coconut/cashew/sesame)

All of these are based on types of nuts, therefore they usually contain more fat, and on the other hand – low in protein and carbohydrates, even when the inscription “without added sugar” appears, meaning that the processing is probably more significant here as well.

Tip – diabetics or those who avoid carbohydrates, can prepare a drink at home by mixing almond butter or cashew butter in water until the desired consistency. This way you can enjoy the benefits – without the processing.

Rice drink

It is usually a relatively thin drink, but it is rich in sugar that comes from breaking down the rice. Therefore, even when it says “without added sugar”, it should be understood that this has no meaning. This is a product low in protein and calcium, which is not a proper substitute.

What about flavored drinks?

Flavored drinks such as vanilla or hazelnut, or drinks intended for whipping, are often much more sweetened and processed, so they are less recommended for frequent use.

Good to know: So that herbal drinks are enriched with calcium and vitamin D And in order to simulate their content to cow’s milk, it is customary to add stabilizers and various food additives to maintain the texture and composition of the drink. If you have special dietary needs and you regularly consume milk substitutes, it is recommended to consult a qualified nutritionist for personalized instructions or for a recommendation for customized nutritional supplements.

Milk substitutes can be healthy, tasty and varied. The best way to know which plant-based drink is best is to take the time to read the list of ingredients and pay attention to the nutritional values ​​table when choosing the preferred type.

Kislo Baram, is a clinical nutritionist R.Dat Maccabi Health Services Sharon District

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