Euro month: from what distance should you watch TV and what is the permitted screen size?

The euro is already here and the whole world stares for hours at screens, whether in pubs and restaurants, or on home televisions. If you haven’t noticed, there are many companies among them who will sell more and bigger screens.

For the uninitiated, the Euro is the European Football Championship, the main competition for national teams organized by the European Football Confederation. The Euros are held once every four years, since 1960. By the way, Israel did not qualify for Euro 2024 this year after finishing fourth in the qualifiers and failing to reach the playoffs.

Euro 2024 Mobile logo (photo: Maariv Online)

Still, the Euro is expected to generate record ratings and great interest this year, and with it many hours of viewing in front of the screens. If so, from what distance is it recommended to watch the screen? There are no clear medical guidelines, but it is common to recommend a distance of at least three meters from the TV. To be more precise, the formula that can help estimate the recommended distance is to multiply by two the number of centimeters of the screen area.

For example, if you have a 55-inch screen, the area in square meters – square centimeter, is about 140, multiply this screen by two – you will get 280, that is, two meters eighty. It is always advisable to take another drop back, that is, a distance of 3 meters from the screen.

It is recommended not to completely turn off the lighting in the room: a light on will reduce eye fatigue. Meanwhile, it is recommended to take breaks from time to time during viewing. Is a higher resolution also healthier? Definitely. The higher the viewing quality, experts claim – there is less risk of damage to vision.

Contrary to the myth that viewing close-up screens causes short-sightedness, this is complete and ancient nonsense: there is no connection between the distance and short-sightedness. What is known is that those who focus their vision less, suffer from fatigue of the focusing muscles and end up nearsighted and need glasses.

Therefore, as mentioned, from time to time – both when you spend hours in front of the computer and when you spend hours in front of the TV or smartphone – go to the window, look at the horizon, focus your vision for about two minutes – and return to each activity.

By Editor

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