11 foods that help nourish the kidneys and strengthen the yang

Oysters, salmon, chicken eggs or apples, avocados, watermelon… are foods that are good for physiology, men should regularly use them in their daily menu.


This is a food that is mentioned a lot when it comes to men’s physiology, because oysters contain a lot of zinc which helps promote metabolism, increase testosterone in the blood, increase libido, improve the erectile process, as well as erectile dysfunction. sperm count and quantity.

Therefore, oysters are the food that erectile dysfunction men should add to their diet. Besides oysters, seafood such as shrimp, crab, pork, beef, cereals, and pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc, so people can supplement their body from these food sources.


Salmon is famous for being rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for heart health and sex life. Besides salmon, sardines, tuna, flounder… also help have a fulfilling sex life. According to experts, Omega-3 insoluble fats prevent the accumulation of plaques in the arteries, allowing blood to circulate better. When the circulatory system operates smoothly, the risk of certain diseases that affect sexual function in men is reduced. To be effective, men should eat these fish 2-3 times a week.


Chicken eggs are a suggestion for those who are wondering “what should you eat if you have erectile dysfunction?”. Chicken eggs contain many nutrients that are good for the body such as vitamins A, B, C, D and abundant minerals such as iron, zinc… These are nutrients that are not only good for the whole body’s health, but also provide energy for the “love” process to be more fulfilling.

In particular, egg whites also have the effect of increasing oxygen, stimulating desire, and helping men have many emotions. In addition, chicken eggs also contain acid that helps strengthen men’s immune system, so if you supplement this food regularly, it can help prevent some diseases. However, to control the amount of cholesterol in the body, men should only eat 1-2 eggs per week.


Including nuts such as walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts… These are quite useful snacking nuts for men. These nuts, in addition to containing abundant zinc, also contain Arginine – an amino acid necessary for the production of Nitric Oxide, helping better blood circulation, contributing to improving erectile dysfunction in men.

Therefore, men should remember to add nuts to their daily menu. They can be eaten alone or mixed with oatmeal, yogurt, salad… to make it more delicious.


This tuber is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and nitrates that are very good for health and sex life. Specifically, the amount of nitrate in beets has the effect of dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation and muscle contraction. This is not only useful for cardiovascular health, but is especially good for people with physiological weakness, helping to ease the erection process and increase endurance during sex. In addition to beets, nitrates are also present in other foods such as spinach, celery, radishes, and watercress.


Apples contain polyphenols and antioxidants that help blood circulate to the genitals better, so the erection process becomes faster and stronger, while increasing pleasure for men. In particular, the apple peel contains ursolic acid, a compound that prevents the growth of prostate cancer cells. This disease has a great impact on men’s health and physiological ability, causing symptoms such as ejaculation disorders (premature ejaculation, no ejaculation), even impotence.

Advice for men is to eat apples with the skin every day to improve health and maintain strong male physiology.


Avocado is known as a “super food” with a source of healthy Omega-3 fats, vitamins and minerals that are not only good for general health but also improve men’s mood and ability in bed. Because of this, the Aztecs named the avocado tree “testicle tree”.

In addition to healthy fats that help prevent atherosclerosis and help blood circulate better, vitamin E and zinc content in avocados help increase estrogen levels in the body, helping to increase libido, as well as improve fertility. quantity and quality of sperm. Therefore, to enhance your fighting ability, don’t forget this fruit.


According to research by American scientists, watermelon contains the organic compound citrulline, which helps activate blood vessels to relax. When this compound enters the body, it will be converted into L-Arginine, which has the effect of increasing Nitric Oxide levels in the body, improving blood circulation to the genitals. Thanks to that, physiological weakness and erectile dysfunction in men will be supported. In addition, watermelon also contains lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect a healthy prostate.


Tomatoes are a familiar food in every family. Tomatoes are not only rich in vitamins and minerals but also rich in lycopene, a compound that helps prevent prostate cancer and enhance men’s fertility.

According to research, tomatoes have the ability to improve sperm quality, increase sperm mobility and morphology. Men can use tomatoes in dishes or make juices and smoothies for daily use.


Figs contain many vitamins and minerals that help men become healthier, increase libido and prevent erectile dysfunction. The reason why figs can improve physiological ability is because the amino acid compounds in this fruit help enhance blood circulation in the body, including the genitals.

In addition, figs are rich in magnesium to help maintain nerve activity, prevent loss of libido and prevent the common phenomenon of retrograde ejaculation.


Some studies show that onions can naturally increase the amount of testosterone in the blood, help improve libido, and prevent erectile dysfunction.

In addition, onions contain phytochemicals that help strengthen the immune system and help men stay supple, increase stamina, and fight diseases harmful to the body.

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