Why do young people still get cancer?

Cancer is a disease caused by many factors. It is difficult to determine the cause and timing of the disease in each individual, so young, healthy people are still at risk.

Rates of cancer in people under 50 – known as early-onset cancer – have increased worldwide since 1990. Men and women in their 40s account for the largest proportion of diagnoses. there.

Vietnam records about 182,000 new cases of cancer, and 122,000 people die from this disease each year. Vietnam’s incidence rate is ranked 91st, but the mortality rate is ranked 50th out of a total of 185 countries and the age trend is “younger”. In addition to liver and lung cancer, hospitals receive many cases of breast, stomach, colon, and ovarian cancer in young people – diseases that were previously common in middle age.

Explaining this situation, doctor Ha Hai Nam, Deputy Head of Abdominal Surgery Department I (Central Hospital K), said that cancer starts from cells that grow uncontrollably, forming a malignant tumor and spreading. large, can metastasize to many other organs. Currently, the exact cause of many types of cancer has not been found, but research shows that this disease is caused by many combined factors, such as lifestyle, environment, habits, age, genetics…

Some people will have genetic mutations inherited from their parents or created during the mother’s pregnancy. Others grew up in polluted environments from air, soil or water; Living in areas with a lot of processed foods, regularly using these foods. Or, people can cook at home, but cannot completely control the origin of meat, fish, and fruits. Meanwhile, some foods abuse preservatives to stay fresh; or drugs and functional foods whose ingredients and uses are not clearly stated.

People who do not smoke but have a smoker in their home are also at risk of lung cancer. In Vietnam, lung cancer in non-smokers mainly occurs in women, mostly non-small cell lung cancer. Of these, 15-35% of cases are due to exposure to passive smoke. In addition to cigarette smoke, some risk factors for developing lung cancer in non-smokers include cooking smoke, environmental pollution, underlying lung diseases, cancer-causing viruses…

Some bad habits such as improper food storage also increase the risk of mold, producing toxins that cause liver cancer. Eating a lot of fat, sugar, red meat, processed foods, and lack of fiber is also a habit that is harmful to health, leading to obesity and potential cancer.

Physical agents such as radiation, sunlight, or chemical dyes… are also one of the causes of the disease. Or we are infected with viruses and bacteria that stimulate cancer formation such as HP bacteria, HPV, hepatitis B and C viruses…

Therefore, the factors that determine when and how someone gets cancer are unique, with no “one-size-fits-all formula.” Determining the exact timing and cause of the disease is beyond each individual’s control, which is why some smokers never get cancer and others are in the best of health, giving birth. Even the healthiest people still get sick.

Medical staff giving radiation treatment to a cancer patient. Image: Quynh Tran

Sharing the same opinion, Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Cam Phuong, Director of the Center for Nuclear Medicine and Oncology, Bach Mai Hospital, said that cancer is a genetic disease, such as breast, ovary, stomach, and colon. .. so maybe many people aged 30-50 have this disease. In addition, with the development of medical knowledge, people’s interest in health has also increased, many people go for regular check-ups and screenings, causing cancer to be detected early.

“However, people should not be too confused because medicine is increasingly developing, helping many people cure or prolong life, depending on the type and stage of the disease,” said Dr. Nam. Some types of cancer have a cure rate of over 5 years exceeding 90% if detected at an early stage and treated promptly, such as thyroid, breast, prostate, and colon cancers…

For prevention, doctors recommend that people have methods to reduce all risk factors. For example, if the family has a history of cancer, members should pay attention to regular screening and screening as prescribed by the doctor.

Everyone should maintain a healthy lifestyle, increase exercise and balanced nutrition. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to increase the body’s resistance. Limiting alcohol and not smoking can also reduce the risk of disease. Avoid eating a lot of fat, spices or moldy foods; Increase fruits, vegetables and vitamins. Vaccination prevents some infections such as hepatitis B and C and HPV vaccination prevents cervical cancer.

By Editor

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