Two people in Hue were revived thanks to organ donations from brain-dead donors

A 58-year-old man died of brain death after a traffic accident. His family members agreed to donate organs and kidneys to two people with kidney failure in Hue.

The patient was hospitalized with a loss of reflexes, was completely ventilated, and was actively resuscitated, but the miracle did not happen. The expert panel diagnosed the patient with brain death. Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital advised the family about organ donation to save lives, and they agreed.

Phu Tho Hospital coordinates with the National Organ Transplant Coordination Center, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital and facilities with patients waiting for organ transplants to find suitable recipients. As a result, two people with severe kidney failure being treated at Hue Central Hospital are eligible to receive kidney transplants.

The transplanted organs are of good quality and are preserved according to proper procedures. On the night of June 20, the flight carrying the doctor’s team and two kidneys landed at Hue airport, and traffic police guided them safely to the hospital, where they were promptly transplanted to the patient.

On the morning of June 21, the kidney function of two post-transplant patients returned to normal.

The medical team bowed their heads in gratitude to the organ donor before surgery. Image: Hospital provided

Mr. Le Thanh Son, Director of Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital, said that the hospital’s successful kidney transplant was performed in 2015. Since then, all organ transplants have been from living, blood-matched donors. system.

This case of organ donation from a brain-dead donor is the first case at the hospital, marking a milestone in expanding the organ donation and transplant network from the district and provincial levels. This model helps expand the source of organs, allowing more patients to survive.

Tissue and organ transplantation is the final method in treating chronic and dangerous diseases caused by irreversible tissue and organ dysfunction such as chronic kidney, liver, heart, bone marrow failure, corneal failure… By the beginning of this year, after 32 years of organ transplantation and 14 years of taking organs from brain-dead donors, the whole country has performed more than 8,000 transplants. Currently, nearly 4,000 people are on the transplant waiting list, mainly patients waiting for kidney and liver transplants.

By Editor

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