What should you eat and avoid to prevent kidney stones?

Drinking enough water, eating lots of citrus fruits, and avoiding certain foods high in salt can prevent kidney stones.

Kidney stones are formed when too many minerals accumulate in the urine and crystallize into solid blocks. It is caused by calcium combining with chemicals such as oxalate, phosphorus or uric acid accumulation. The disease can be prevented through the appropriate diet below.


Drink enough water: Fluids, especially water, dilute the minerals that form stones, avoiding concentrated urine. Adults should drink about 12 glasses of water a day.

Eat more citrus: Citrus fruits and lemon, orange, grapefruit juice… help reduce the risk of kidney stones by creating natural citrate. Citrate is a chemical in urine that prevents kidney stones from forming.

Supplement calcium and vitamin D: If calcium intake is low, oxalate levels may increase. It is best to get calcium from food rather than from supplements. Good sources of calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, dark green vegetables, and nuts.

Supplement vitamin D every day to help the body absorb more calcium. Foods rich in vitamin D such as fatty fish, mushrooms, cheese.

Eating citrus fruits helps prevent kidney stones. Image: Duc Hung

Should not

Reduce salt: High sodium levels in the body promote calcium accumulation in the urine. Avoid adding salt to dishes and check processed food labels to control sodium levels. Fast food is often high in sodium, and restaurant food can also be high in salt. When eating out, if possible, ask to reduce the amount of salt in your food. Some vegetable juices are also high in sodium.

Limit animal protein: Many protein sources such as red meat, pork, chicken, poultry and eggs increase the amount of uric acid the body produces when consuming food. Eating more protein also reduces citrate. Choose alternatives to animal protein including quinoa, tofu, chia seeds and Greek yogurt.

Oxalate control: Foods high in this substance may increase the risk of kidney stones. People who have had kidney stones should reduce or eliminate oxalates from their diet. If you eat foods containing oxalates, always make sure to eat or drink them with calcium. This helps oxalate bind to calcium during digestion, before reaching the kidneys. Foods rich in oxalate include chocolate, beets, tea, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

Do not drink carbonated soft drinks: They contain high levels of phosphate which can promote kidney stone formation.

Reduce added sugar: Added sugars are sugars and syrups added to processed foods and drinks, which increase the risk of kidney stones. You should monitor your sugar intake in processed foods such as cakes, fruit, soft drinks and juices.

The doctor diagnoses to determine what type of kidney stone the patient has and advises on appropriate foods. Kidney stones easily recur, so patients need to comply with treatment instructions and control their diet.

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