What to eat to reduce bad cholesterol?

Oats, nuts, fatty fish, and fruits provide healthy fats and fiber that promote the body to reduce bad cholesterol.

The body needs cholesterol to produce some hormones, brain activity, immune system, and ensure the body’s vital functions. The two main types are bad cholesterol (LDL) and good cholesterol (HDL). Excess LDL in the body increases the risk of atherosclerosis. HDL helps clean up excess cholesterol and return it to the liver, which then removes the cholesterol from the body. A scientific diet helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood.


Oats are rich in soluble fiber, which helps eliminate cholesterol from the digestive tract. Thanks to that, the amount of cholesterol in the body is significantly reduced, helping to protect the heart from health problems caused by cholesterol. Eating oats combined with bananas and strawberries brings many benefits.

The recommended amount of fiber for women is about 21-25 g, for men is 30-38 g per day. However, the amount of fiber consumed can vary depending on the body’s absorption ability and age.

Kinds of bean

Beans provide abundant protein and fiber, nutritious for the heart. This food source contributes to improving high cholesterol and helps you feel full longer. They don’t contain as much saturated fat and calories as some animal products.

In addition to reducing cholesterol, the amount of resistant starch in black beans also brings many other benefits. Resistant starch also reduces the risk of weight gain, inflammatory bowel syndrome, diabetes… Black beans are suitable for cooking porridge, sweet soup, and are easy to eat.


Cashew nuts are rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which help reduce bad cholesterol and prevent the risk of heart disease. Almonds contain fiber, flavonoid plant compounds and unsaturated fats that all help lower blood fat. However, these nuts are also high in calories, so eat them in moderation to avoid weight gain. Peanuts are rich in phytosterols, which help prevent the body from absorbing too much cholesterol.


Oranges, watermelons, apples, strawberries, citrus fruits… are rich in pectin – a type of soluble fiber that contributes to reducing LDL. Watermelon also naturally contains lycopene, a carotenoid that has the ability to prevent high cholesterol levels. Eating an apple every day can provide the body with many nutrients. Apples contain a lot of the soluble fiber pectin which can bind to cholesterol in the digestive system, where it carries cholesterol to the liver for elimination.

Fatty fish

Eating fish 2-3 times a week also reduces LDL thanks to omega-3. This fat reduces triglycerides in the blood, preventing abnormal heart rhythms.

Fatty fish and lean fish both contain little saturated fat, making them a healthy supplement for people with hyperlipidemia. Fish also provides good fats and protein, and is very low in carbohydrates. Note that the mercury content of some types of fish may be higher than others. In addition to diet, people with high cholesterol can control cholesterol levels and improve heart health by exercising regularly.

By Editor

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