How exercise helps improve sperm quality

Regular physical activity with appropriate intensity will help men improve sperm quality and support reproductive health.

This article is expertly advised by Dr. Bui Pham Minh Man and Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital – Campus 3.

The role of exercise for people with weak sperm

Enhance endurance, improve testosterone levels

People with weak sperm who exercise three to four times a week can greatly benefit their sexual health, creating flexibility and endurance in men. Besides, exercise leads to fluctuations in testosterone, an important hormone for men to maintain sexual health.

Positive impact on sperm count and motility

Although intense physical activity can reduce semen quality, as well as sperm count and normal sperm morphology. But in people, moderate exercise has a positive effect on sperm count, concentration, and motility, as well as reducing sperm DNA fragmentation.

Supports sperm protection

Regular physical activity with appropriate intensity will help increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes, helping to protect sperm.

Increase male reproductive age

Exercises that strengthen the perineum, waist and abdomen help improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the pelvic area. At the same time, it improves the health of the reproductive glands, maintains sperm count and increases men’s reproductive age.

Good exercises for people with weak sperm


Men with weak sperm can build strength by performing weight training to the best of their ability to build muscle mass and increase endurance.

Weight training works the large muscle groups, the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, so it is especially helpful for increasing testosterone levels. However, you should do moderate weight training, it is best to practice with the guidance of a trainer for 3-4 days/week.

Practice planking

Plank is an exercise that supports weak sperm that men should not ignore. The plank movement mainly affects the abdominal muscles, helping to train the lower abdominal muscles and effectively control ejaculation time.

Play team sports

Team sports such as football, volleyball, basketball… are also considered good exercises for men with weak sperm, helping to increase testosterone production levels in the body.

Be careful when playing sports where there is a risk of the ball hitting the “restricted area” such as baseball, hockey, soccer… Make sure to wear protective gear properly because the ball hits the location below. belt.


Cardio exercises not only help improve cardiovascular health and increase blood circulation but also help strengthen physical health and promote optimism for people with weak sperm. Furthermore, this is also one of the exercises to enhance male physiology, helping to strengthen erections, reduce toxins in the testicles, and help improve sperm count.

You can choose to do cardio exercises such as jumping on the spot, walking, jogging, jogging, swimming, modern dance, aerobics…

Practice nutrition

Exercises help maintain flexibility in the body. At the same time, it helps men improve mental health, improve sex life, strengthen muscles, improve the immune system, and work efficiency.

In addition, acupressure massage operations affect the coccygeal areas, lower abdomen, pubic bone, thigh area, penis, testicles and acupuncture points such as Menu Mon, Quan Nguyen, Qi Hai, Kidney Du… Has the effect of strengthening the hips, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, improving resistance as well as men’s sexual health. According to traditional medicine, acupressure massage has the effect of nourishing fire energy, benefiting the kidneys, strengthening sperm, and promoting blood circulation.

Notes when practicing

You should consult your doctor to assess your ability to exercise or give advice on appropriate exercise before starting exercise.

You should not exercise when you feel unwell, have dangerous arrhythmias or are in acute heart failure. Before each workout session, you need to warm up carefully, start exercising with moderate intensity, then speed up and gradually decrease before the end to let your heart gradually adapt.

You should start slowly and gradually increase the time and intensity of exercise if you feel strong enough. Exercise level needs to be at least 30 minutes/day (can be divided into several sessions), more than 5 times/week.

Practice at certain times of the day to create a habit.

Wear cool clothes and light shoes with laces or canvas shoes. It is necessary to warm up the body with stretching exercises before exercising.

Choose your favorite exercises, you can change exercises during the week to avoid boredom.

Things we need to avoid

Activities that cause symptoms of difficulty breathing should be avoided; dizziness, lightheadedness; chest pain; nausea; cold sweat… If you have these signs, you must stop exercising immediately.

Do not exercise when hungry or immediately after meals.

Avoid exercising in very hot or cold environments or when you feel unwell.

Avoid using bicycles because bicycle seats can obstruct the genitals when exercising for too long. If you want to participate in cycling, you should take steps to keep your genitals safe.

Avoid excessive exercise because it will negatively impact hormones and male fertility. Exercises that support men with weak sperm can only be highly effective if practiced in moderation.

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