Do you like green?  All the reasons to consume green leafy vegetables
The leafy vegetables provide the body with protection from illness and even help in curing diseases. The more intense the green color, the more chlorophyll it contains – a magnesium-containing pigment that serves as an antioxidant that also helps the body detoxify.The green leaves are very rich in minerals such as: iron, calcium, potassium and zinc, and vitamins C, K and folic acid. In addition, they contain a good amount of dietary fiber. Their inclusion in the daily menu helps prevent and treat anemia, prevent cancer, improve intestinal function, heal inflammation and protect against cardiovascular disease. If you combine them with a meal – they contribute to achieving a feeling of satiety.


Among the green leafy vegetables, spinach excels in a particularly high amount of minerals calcium which is essential for the building of the bones and teeth and their development and essential for the functioning of the nervous systems, muscles, the blood clotting mechanism and more; iron – An essential nutritional component that participates in the formation of hemoglobin as well as various enzymes, essential for preventing anemia; Magnesium – a mineral Essential for building bones and muscles and their development to utilize sugar and more and potassium which is important for maintaining normal heart activity, helps lower high blood pressure values ​​and more. The availability of these minerals is more significant after cooking the spinach, but if you cook the leaves in water and filter, the minerals are washed away with the cooking water. Therefore, it is better to wash the spinach while it is fresh, filter, chop and immediately put it in the stew sauce or shake.


An excellent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These are used as antioxidants that reduce inflammation, which help heal wounds, reduce high blood pressure values ​​and improve the composition of intestinal bacteria. Excellent for soups, stews and more.

leek (frasa)

It is a wonderful vegetable from the onion and garlic family (narcissus), rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iron and calcium. The leek also provides nutrients that strengthen the immune system and serve as a significant antioxidant.


The uniqueness of lettuce stems from its high dietary fiber content, which helps the digestive system to function properly. In addition, it serves as an excellent source of lutein, an antioxidant that protects the eye.


Kale contains a significant amount of protein, calcium, potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. Thanks to all these, it provides protection to the immune system and helps prevent many diseases, including the cardiovascular system. It contains glucoraphanin – an antioxidant that has anti-aging properties and even helps prevent stomach ulcers.


Like the other members of the cruciferous family, cabbage has an anti-inflammatory effect, and in simple words – it helps prevent many diseases, including cancer. In addition to the great nutritional richness, it can be used as a natural pain reliever, if the leaves are placed on wounds or swollen or inflamed places.


One cup of broccoli provides more than one hundred percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C for the day. A study from 2021 proved that following the addition of broccoli leaves and stems to the daily menu, the amount of good bacteria in the gut increases which contribute to reducing inflammation and improve the body’s metabolic process, as well as contributing to blood sugar balance.

Lilach Hadar Degani, clinical dietitian and director of the children’s nutrition department of the General Hospital in Dan district – Petah Tikva

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