Joints that crackle when moving can be a warning sign of certain diseases such as osteoarthritis, dry joints…

Joint fluid has a component called hyaluronic acid, which has viscosity and elasticity depending on the force applied. This substance is responsible for lubricating soft tissues, covers the surface layer of articular cartilage and is synthesized by chondrocytes. A normal and healthy knee joint usually contains about 2 ml of synovial fluid. When joints are degenerated or damaged, the amount of hyaluronic acid decreases, reducing the viscosity of synovial fluid, losing the ability to protect joint cartilage, and destroying joints.

Lubricant injection is a procedure to inject artificial hyaluronic acid into the knee joint, stimulating production and increasing the weight and molecular concentration of endogenous hyaluronic acid. Thereby, it has good anti-inflammatory properties, improves pain, restores joint mobility and replenishes nutrients to regenerate joint cartilage. This method is often prescribed for patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis, who have been treated with medicinal and non-medicinal methods but have not responded well, after knee surgery or cannot replace the knee. knee joint…

Previously, a course of lubricant injection into the knee joint usually lasted 5 weeks, with one injection per week. After about 3 weeks, the patient will see results. Currently, mucus preparations only need to be injected once during a course of treatment, and the effect can last from 6 months to a year.

Injecting lubricant into the knee joint is a fairly safe procedure, complications rarely occur. However, patients still need to choose reputable medical facilities to perform the procedure, to ensure the correct injection location and avoid infection.

To be able to make an accurate diagnosis and have appropriate treatment, you should go to the hospital for a direct examination by a doctor and order X-rays, functional testing… if necessary.

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