Can you eat duck if you have gout?

Gout is a form of arthritis. Caused by metabolic disorders, increasing blood acid levels, leading to the deposition and accumulation of sodium urate or uric acid crystals in the joints.

Gout causes pain, swelling, redness, and heat in the joints, and can deform or stiffen the joints, especially the joints of the lower limbs such as the big toe and ankle. The disease often appears in exacerbations, recurs many times, then becomes chronic.

Dads with gout can eat duck meat, but should not consume more than 300 g per day. Duck meat belongs to the food group with medium purine content. 100 g of lean duck meat has about 128 mg of purines. While the total amount of purines a patient can safely consume each day without causing a gout flare-up is less than 400 mg.

To be safe, people with gout should only choose lean duck meat. Organs, skin or duck fat are high in saturated fat and high in purines, which can increase the risk of gout flare-ups.

You should eat steamed or boiled duck meat, and limit fried and stir-fried dishes that contain a lot of oil and fat. Do not use extra water to boil or stew duck bones because it can cause the purine content to increase beyond the safe limit. Avoid processing duck meat with meats that contain high levels of purine and protein such as chicken, beef, and pork.

Eating duck meat combined with a variety of foods can help patients improve overall health. On average, 100 g of lean duck meat has 404 calories, 11 g of protein providing energy for the body, supporting the building and repair of tissues, and enhancing resistance. This food is also rich in vitamins (B6, B12, D) and minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, selenium) that promote blood production and circulation, improving cardiovascular health.

Patients should have regular check-ups, take medication as prescribed by the doctor, and regularly monitor uric acid, sugar, and blood fat levels. Increase moderate exercise, avoid overweight, obesity, impaired blood sugar tolerance, metabolic syndrome – factors that aggravate the disease.

Your dad can supplement natural nutrients such as eggshell membrane extract, undenatured collagen type II and hydrolyzed collagen peptide, chondroitin sulfate (main component of the extracellular matrix structure), turmeric root extract (turmeric extract). They help improve pain, fight inflammation, reduce swelling, enhance cartilage and subchondral bone regeneration, and limit the risk of degenerative joint disease caused by gout.

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