Vo Tieu Linh, 36 years old, after 10 years of arbitrarily using eye drops containing corticosteroids for a long time, was diagnosed with cataracts, glaucoma in both eyes, and the risk of permanent blindness.

Visiting Tam Anh General Hospital on the morning of June 22, the female patient said that 10 years ago, she often suffered from conjunctivitis, so she went to a clinic near her house to get a prescription, and then used this eye medication every time. dry, uncomfortable eyes. In early 2023, Ms. Linh began to have blurred vision and glare when it was sunny. Initially, the patient thought this was a sign of postpartum fatigue, so she did not seek medical attention and just rested at home. When her eyesight clearly decreased, Ms. Linh rushed to the hospital for a checkup.

She was examined in depth with an Argos eye biometric machine measuring the speed of about one second per eye and an OCT Cirrus 6000 retinal tomography machine examining the fundus of the eye combined with checking the visual field, assessing the level of damage to the optic nerve. The results showed posterior subcapsular cataracts, in which the left eye was severely opaque. The optic nerve was severely damaged, leading to blurred vision and narrowing of the visual field.

Ms. Tieu Linh checks the level of damage on the Argos eye biometric measuring machine. Photo: Tam Anh General Hospital

In addition, the patient had glaucoma, with intraocular pressure 32mmHg higher than normal. Associate Professor, Dr. Bui Thi Van Anh, Head of the Department of Phaco and Anterior Eye Disease, High-Tech Eye Center, said that Ms. Linh is at risk of permanent blindness in both eyes if not treated promptly. The reason is because the medicine the patient is using contains corticosteroids. This compound is common in medicine. When used for a long time in the eyes, it will cause fluid stagnation, glaucoma, cataracts and a series of other complications.

The doctor advised that cataracts and glaucoma tend to get worse, so Ms. Linh needs early treatment. The regimen includes lens replacement (phaco surgery) to restore vision, and medication to reduce eye pressure and limit glaucoma progression. The patient is re-examined after three days to evaluate response to medication and surgical conditions.

Phaco surgery principles require dividing into two independent surgeries on different days, to avoid complications of simultaneous loss of vision in both eyes in the patient. Therefore, Ms. Linh had surgery on June 26 and 27, each surgery lasting about 7 minutes.

Argos machine supports the synthesis and detailed analysis of lens parameters, connecting directly to the system in the operating room. From there, the machine supports precise intervention, limits errors, and avoids damage to corneal parenchyma.

The surgery also used the Phaco Centurion machine with integrated Active Sentry handle to remove the cloudy lens, while stabilizing intraocular pressure and limiting complications.

Surgeons perform artificial lens replacement surgery for patients. Photo: Tam Anh General Hospital

To date, the female patient has recovered her vision and her intraocular pressure has decreased. She continues to take medication as prescribed and has regular follow-ups.

According to Associate Professor Van Anh, the use of eye drops without medical guidance is common. Many people believe that the medicine helps clean and increase eye moisture, but do not research or look up the ingredients of the medicine. Some believe that the medicine has been prescribed and helps relieve symptoms quickly, so they continue to use it without going back to the doctor.

Therefore, Associate Professor Van Anh cautions people not to use old prescriptions without a follow-up examination. Prescription drugs should be used with caution and only used when prescribed by a doctor. People note some side effects of eye drops containing corticosteroids such as: stinging in the eye area, strange taste in the mouth, swelling of the tongue – lips – mouth area, unusual rashes on the body…

Cataracts are clouding of the lens in the eye, causing vision loss and are the leading cause of blindness. Glaucoma, commonly known as optic nerve pain, occurs when an imbalance in the fluid leads to increased pressure in the eye and damage to the optic nerve. If left untreated, glaucoma can cause permanent blindness.

Symptoms of eye diseases are quite vague in the early stages, everyone should have regular eye exams to check and evaluate eye health, or have a re-examination as prescribed. Cases that require a re-examination include: treatment of eye diseases or having underlying diseases that affect the eyes such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes.

When people see signs of blurred vision or distorted vision, they need to see an eye specialist for timely diagnosis and intervention.

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