Semen is the fluid released during ejaculation. Semen contains sperm and fluid secreted from the prostate and other male reproductive organs.

Normally, semen is a thick, white liquid. However, there are a number of reasons that can cause watery semen, such as low sperm count, lifestyle factors, malnutrition, or too much ejaculation.

Thin semen is initially clear like rice water, then cloudy and thin, the liquefaction process is faster and is accompanied by an unusual, slightly mucous odor.

Thin semen is usually a temporary condition and can go away on its own. It is sometimes warned that men have low sperm count or reduced semen quality, affecting fertility.

Thin semen due to low sperm count does not mean a man is infertile, but it can make the sperm’s journey to the egg more difficult.

Therefore, men with prolonged thin semen should consult a doctor for a semen test, determine the cause and have appropriate improvement measures.

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