6 types of vegetables good for male physiology

Spinach, mustard greens, and bok choy are rich in vitamins and minerals that help improve blood flow to the genitals, enhancing men’s physiology.

Master and Doctor Doan Vinh Binh, Medical Information Center, Tam Anh General Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, said that vegetables contain many minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium and antioxidants. increase blood circulation. These foods contribute to increased testosterone production, improving sperm quality. They also contain a lot of fiber to help lose weight and control blood fat.

Spinach (spinach, spinach) is rich in folate, which helps increase blood flow to organs in the body, especially important in improving physiological function in men. Low blood folate levels are associated with erectile dysfunction. About 240 grams of boiled spinach can meet up to 66% of daily folate needs. This vegetable also contains a certain amount of magnesium – a substance that helps increase blood flow, increasing the production of testosterone hormone.

Broccoli effective in improving physiological dysfunction and sexual disorders in men. Green cabbage contains many vitamins A, C, K, beta-carotene, folic acid… which stimulate Leydig cells in the testicles to promote the production of male hormones and improve sperm quality. Natural minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc play an important role in the production of sperm and testosterone.

Bok choy Rich in magnesium, it helps increase testosterone in the male body. The selenium content in bok choy is useful for supporting spermatogenesis. This is a powerful antioxidant that protects the sex cells and sperm. Selenium deficiency leads to reduced sperm count and quality in men.

Cabbage Contains lots of fiber, vitamin K and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus… The indole-3-carbinol content in cabbage helps regulate the ratio of testosterone and estrogen in men, inhibits synthesis and promotes metabolism. estrogen. From there, increasing the ratio of testosterone and estrogen, improving physiological function.

Brussels sprouts Contains high levels of folic acid and vitamin K. 100 g of brussels sprouts has more than 170 mcg of vitamin K. This vitamin helps improve sperm quality, providing necessary nutrients to increase sperm survival. The folic acid content in vegetables helps metabolize protein to create more energy in men’s sexual activities.

Kale Contributes to improving sperm count and motility thanks to antioxidants such as vitamins C, E and beta-carotene. These antioxidants contribute to neutralizing free radicals, reducing stress and improving male physiology. One cup of raw kale contains nearly 7 mg of magnesium – a substance that helps blood flow to the penis better, enhancing male physiology.

Doctor Doan Vinh Binh recommends that men should have regular urological examinations to check physiological problems. Men need to work, rest properly, control stress, and exercise regularly. Maintain a balanced diet, limit alcohol, quit smoking, and stimulants. Supplementing some natural nutrients such as eurycoma longifolia, French maritime pine extract, and ocean oyster essence has the effect of stimulating the male body to produce endogenous testosterone and nitric oxide regularly. Thanks to that, men can improve their physiological life.

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