5 Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Maintaining exercise, limiting fat and alcohol, and adding berries, green vegetables, and fish to your diet may help reduce your risk of prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, with one in eight diagnosed during their lifetime. One in every 44 people is at risk of dying from this disease.

Dr Declan Cahill, consultant urologist at London Bridge Hospital, shares advice to significantly reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Daily exercise

An active lifestyle is important. Dr. Cahill emphasizes the benefits of cardiovascular exercise and strength training not only for cardiovascular health but also for maintaining muscle mass, something that often declines with aging. Maintaining muscle supports the skeletal system, helps burn calories and improves quality of life, and can reduce the risk of cancer, having been shown in research to inhibit cancer cells.

Regular physical activity also helps strengthen the immune system, helping the body quickly identify and deal with potential cancer cells, according to Cancer Research UK (CRUK). Research from the Swedish School of Health and Sports Sciences also shows that a minimum increase of 3% in annual cardiorespiratory capacity corresponds to a 35% reduction in the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Lifestyle factors can help avoid prostate cancer. Image: Mirror

Limit foods containing fat

Dr. Cahill recommends cutting out fatty foods and maintaining a healthy weight. Research from McGill University in Canada shows that a gene involved in the progression of prostate cancer, called MYC, can be stimulated by fatty foods and red meat. The risk of dying from prostate cancer is four times higher in men with high levels of MYC due to a high-fat diet.

Prioritize unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, and limit saturated fats, which are often found in processed foods and fast foods. He also advocates a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to help prevent many health problems, including prostate cancer.

Regarding weight control, Dr. Cahill points out that there is strong evidence that being overweight or obese increases the risk of advanced prostate cancer. He advises adopting a calorie-watched diet for overweight people, as obesity has been linked to at least 13 types of cancer according to CRUK research.

Being overweight can increase the risk of developing advanced prostate cancer or spreading to other parts of the body. Smoking and obesity are the two leading causes of cancer. Dr. Cahill also warns that being overweight can delay diagnosis or make treatment more difficult.

Cut down on alcohol

Cutting down on alcohol and beer can reduce your risk of certain cancers, regardless of whether they are your favourite drink. The Prostate Cancer UK says it is unclear whether alcohol increases the risk of prostate cancer. So they recommend following NHS guidelines, which recommend no more than six drinks a week to maintain overall health. It is also important to note that alcohol is high in calories, which can contribute to weight gain. For example, nearly two pints of beer can contain up to 230 calories, and a standard glass of wine around 180 calories.

Healthy Eating for the Prostate

Dr. Cahill recommends supplementing with foods that are good for the prostate, such as berries, green vegetables and fish. These foods have been shown to be beneficial for prostate health thanks to the amount of lycopene (antioxidant), selenium (trace mineral) and vitamin E. Foods such as tomatoes can be added to the diet. cooked, poppy seeds, cauliflower, broccoli, along with cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale and brussels sprouts.

Dr. Cahill favors health-boosting foods like berries, which are rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, and fish. However, he acknowledges that the evidence for their specific benefits on prostate health is limited and inconclusive. So it’s best to focus on maintaining a healthy, nutritious, varied, and balanced diet.

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