4 ways to reduce the risk of cancer

Eating a Mediterranean diet, exercising daily, limiting dietary supplements and not smoking are four ways to reduce your risk of cancer.

88% of people with cancer are over 50, and survival rates have improved in recent decades, according to the American Cancer Society. However, the number of cancer cases in people under 50 has been increasing rapidly in recent years, according to a 2023 study published in the journal BMJ Oncologythe number of cancer cases under the age of 50 increased from 1.82 million in 1990 to 3.26 million in 2019 globally, an increase of 80%.

Risk factors for some cancers are well known, such as smoking which increases the risk of lung cancer. However, for many other cancers, researchers are still unclear as to why rates are rising in young people. Dr Daniel Landau, a US-based cancer specialist, says one of the most popular theories is that modern lifestyle factors such as being less active and eating more saturated fat may be contributing to the rise in cancer rates.

Here’s how Landau works to reduce his cancer risk:

Eat a Mediterranean diet

Landau doesn’t follow a strict diet, but rather follows the philosophy of “everything in moderation.” He tries to maintain the principles of the Mediterranean diet, which includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins like fish. It also limits red meat, alcohol, and processed foods.

According to Landau, the Mediterranean diet is good for heart health. Studies have shown that it reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Dr. Landau maintains a largely Mediterranean-style diet. Photo: Business Insider

Exercise every day

Landau exercises daily with the goal of reducing his cancer risk. He spends 30 to 60 minutes a day on these activities, which include both strength training and cardio, believing that both are beneficial in preventing cancer.

A 2022 study published in the journal British Sports Medicine showed that just 30 minutes of intense exercise to build muscle can reduce the risk of death from cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg suggested in a 2023 study that maintaining a good level of cardio fitness in young people could reduce the risk of some cancers later in life by up to 42%.

Do not rely on supplements

Landau advises against relying on supplements. Some studies have suggested that turmeric, green tea, and vitamin D may be beneficial in cancer prevention, but more research is needed to prove their effectiveness. Supplements can also have side effects. One study found that women who took vitamin D and calcium supplements had a 7% lower risk of dying from breast cancer, but a 6% increased risk of cardiovascular disease, possibly due to calcium buildup in the arteries of the kidneys.

Landau doesn’t take any supplements, except for protein powder after a tough workout. “For me, the best source of nutrition still comes from the food we eat, not the supplements we take,” he says.

No smoking

“Smoking is strongly linked to lung and bladder cancer,” says Landau. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nine out of 10 lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke. Smoking can also prevent the body from killing cancer cells.

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