Why is it recommended to consume eggs regularly?

Many years were counted eggs enemy of the people Fortunately, thanks to many studies, this myth has disappeared from our lives. Today it is clear that eating an egg does not raise cholesterol levels in most people, nor does it cause other health problems, provided it is fresh, of course.

Toeggs There are many nutritional benefits, such as high biological value protein, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and more. In addition, they are tasty, which is also important, and low in calories: one egg contains only about 80 calories and about 7 grams of protein of very high biological value, that is, one that contains all the amino acids needed by the body, in a significant amount with good absorption.

One egg contains a whole world
• Fat: 4-5 grams only, with a small amount of omega 3.

• Cholesterol: about 170 mg.

• And vitamins: A, group B vitamins, including B12, D, E and folate. • Minerals: selenium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc.

• Choline: important for muscle contraction, reaction to pain, memory and thinking, which is also food for friendly bacteria in the gut.

• Lutein and zeaxanthin: antioxidants that protect the body’s cells against free radicals, which also reduce the risk of an eye disease called macular degeneration – which is a cause of blindness in older people

• Quality protein: the amount of protein in 100 grams of egg: in the protein – about 11 grams, and in the yolk – about 16 grams.

In addition to these, it is worth considering other advantages: the egg is easy to chew, which is especially important for older people who suffer from dental problems. The low price of the egg and the many culinary options that can be prepared with it are also advantages that cannot be ignored.

Does an egg raise blood cholesterol?

Well, get ready for a slight shock: according to many studies published in the last 20 years – the answer is no. In fact, what raises the cholesterol level are foods that contain a lot of animal fat such as: sausages, hot dogs, fatty meat, or fatty dairy products. Of course, if you choose to fry the egg in butter and eat it with sausages, your cholesterol may definitely increase. But an egg fried in olive or canola oil does not increase its level. And here is another surprising fact: the color of the yolk depends on the type of food the hen eats: wheat and corn – light color; In contrast, foods such as carrots, orange peels and grass – dark.
What should you eat the eggs with? A meal of 2 eggs and 2 slices of wholemeal bread plus vegetables contains less than 350 calories. This is a satisfying, balanced meal with a very high nutritional value.

Fresh or not? The tricks that will reveal the truth about your egg

The easiest is to put the egg in a bowl with water. A fresh egg sinks, not fresh eggs float. Another way to help you understand if the egg is fresh is to pour the egg on a plate or on the pan. If the egg is fresh, the yolk will remain high above the protein and in the center of the egg, and the protein surrounding the yolk will be stable and clearly defined.

By the way, I usually eat one egg with a slice of bread every morning, and feel full at least until 12:00 noon.

What about eating a lot of eggs?

Everything is good and beautiful if you don’t exaggerate, as in everything in our life, as good as it is. It’s not their quantity that bothers me, but the use of eggs, especially in many different Passover pastries.

Other ingredients in baked goods that combine eggs, especially sugar in its various forms (including honey), flour, and too much oil, are much more harmful than theeggs themselves. These ingredients are fattening, damage the intestinal bacteria, have a great effect on our health, on the liver, and more

Therefore, not fromeggs Be careful, except in foods and pastries that contain them.

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