A 46% increase in drowning cases in Israel

The bathing season is at its peak and the number of drowning cases is on a disturbing rise: Last weekend, four men drowned in the Dead Sea, three of them were evacuated by MDA teams to Soroka Hospital in serious and moderate condition. About a week ago, a 50-year-old man drowned on the beach of the Ashkelon National Park, MDA medics and paramedics had to pronounce him dead on the spot.

And these are just some of the cases that have been reported in recent times – according to MDA data, since the beginning of the season, 166 people and children have drowned in Israel who needed help, of which 20 people drowned to death, 3 were defined as in critical condition and needed resuscitation operations, 4 were in serious condition, 15 in moderate condition, and 124. This is a 46% increase in the number of drownings compared to the same period last year, when a total of 113 drownings were reported It was reported that most of the drownings occurred on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but also in private and public pools, and in water reservoirs.

The data also show that this is a gradual and consistent increase recorded in the last four years, and the data more than doubled during this period: in 2021 a total of 76 drowning cases were reported between mid-April and early July, in 2022 the number of cases was 85, and in 2023 the number increased to 113 as mentioned Total drownings.

“In 85% of the cases, the drowning occurs on beaches that are not declared”

Doral Erzuan, a senior paramedic at the MDA and a lifeguard, says that it is difficult to pinpoint the reasons why the number of drowning cases this year is significantly higher than in previous years. According to him, the number is even expected to increase during August, towards the end of the holiday and the bathing season. He adds that in 85% Of the cases, the drowning occurs on unannounced beaches, or during time spent on the beach beyond the lifeguard’s operating hours. He also emphasizes that most of the deaths occur among 3-4-year-old children who do not know how to swim and depend only on the attention of the parents or the lifeguard. There are cases where the parents are under the influence of alcohol, or are distracted, partly due to fiddling with the phone. We see these cases both on the beaches and in public and home pools. In home pools, we also come across cases where children enter a pool that is not fenced or bounded, and without supervision at all.”

Orly Silvinger, CEO of the Betram organization for child safety, states that drowning is the second most common cause of death in children’s accidents. “Unfortunately, in recent years there has been an alarming increase in the number of children drowning in home pools. It is important to remember that children can drown even in a depth of a few centimeters and in a few moments of inattention. Drowning happens quickly and silently, a child who is drowning cannot cry or call for help, and such a case can happen in a pool, in the sea, in a bathtub and even in a bucket. I call on parents – don’t tell me it won’t happen, safety guidelines in the water environment save lives. The children are watched over at any given moment and without distractions, entering the sea and the pool only when the lifeguard services are working and obeying the lifeguard’s instructions. Pools, bathtubs, etc. must be emptied immediately after use. Buoys are recommended for use but are not a substitute for supervision.”

Erzuan notes that there are also deaths among adults, some of whom do not know how to swim. Referring to the drowning case last weekend in the Dead Sea, he clarifies that even though it is commonly thought that this is a sea in which one cannot drown, such a danger exists there as well. “It is enough to inhale a small amount of water in the Dead Sea, which can lead to serious consequences. The concentration of salts there is very high, so that the water a person inhales can reach the lungs, and lead to the development of pulmonary edema and cardiac arrhythmias.”

What can be done if we saw a person drowning at the beach or in the pool? Erzuan explains that in the event that there is no lifeguard on the spot, one must immediately dial 101. “MDA know how to activate the marine policing as quickly as possible, and of course – to arrive themselves with the appropriate equipment, whether it is a declared beach, or whether it is a beach where the means of getting there are more complex.” He emphasizes that under no circumstances should you enter the water and try to save if you are not trained to do so. “The data shows that 30% of those who try to save a good person, who are not trained, drown themselves. We have seen quite a few examples of this in the past,” he notes.

MDA’s precautionary rules save lives:

  • Bathe only in declared beaches and pools: which are under the supervision of a lifeguard, and while there are rescue services. Do not enter the water after the lifeguard’s operating hours at the beach or pool.
  • Always stay within sight of the rescuer: If you don’t see him, it seems he doesn’t see you either and you could be in danger.
  • Avoid dangerous games: Do not play “immersion games” in the water, do not jump on someone who is in the water or jump headfirst into shallow water for fear of injury to the spine and head. In addition, to avoid slipping and injury, make sure the children do not run around the edge of the pool.
  • Always swim in areas under your control: If you are tired, get out of the water, drink and rest in a shady place.
  • Do not swim in the breakwater area: In this area, strong eddies may form that pull to the bottom of the sea.
  • Bathing in the sea under the influence of alcohol is prohibited and dangerous: This rule is especially important when children are in your care.
  • It is important to take into account that babies and children up to the age of 5 are a population prone to drowning: Their head is heavy and large relative to their body, which may cause them to capsize when their head is pulled forward into the pool or sea water, even into a tub or bath. It is important to stay at arm’s length from the children in the water at all times and concentrate only on them. If you entered the water with several children, arrange for another responsible adult to stay with them. Remember – drowning happens in seconds.
  • Buoys, sea wheels and the like give a false sense of security: Remember that these items do not provide full protection to the child against the dangers of drowning, and therefore it is important to keep children safe even when they are equipped with them.
  • In private pools, every passage towards the pool must be fenced and sealed: As long as there is no adult in the area who can watch over toddlers and children.
  • Do not enter the sea to help a drowning person without a floating aid: Always call for help from professionals or lifeguards.


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