How to prevent obesity in children

A healthy diet, adequate sleep, increased physical activity, and limited use of electronic devices can prevent obesity in children.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warns that without any intervention, Vietnam is estimated to have about 1.9 million obese children by 2030.

MSc. Dr. Pham Thi Hong, Department of Endocrinology – Diabetes, Tam Anh General Hospital, Hanoi, said that obese children have an increased risk of early puberty and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorders, gout, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea syndrome, cancer, stroke… Obesity in children is more severe than in adults due to the long duration, affecting hormones and psychology, causing a burden on future healthcare costs.

Obesity is the result of genetic, environmental, dietary and lifestyle factors. Parents can prevent or improve this condition in children by establishing a scientific diet and lifestyle.

Increase physical activity and help children relax to prevent obesity. Illustration: Thanh Ba

Healthy eating

The habit of eating quickly, not chewing food thoroughly, snacking, consuming too much fat and carbohydrates, not eating breakfast, or eating late at night, especially before going to bed… are the causes of overweight and obesity. Children are often attracted to processed foods such as sausages, chips, fried foods, canned foods, white bread and other snacks.

Dr. Hong said that many parents have the idea that the more they eat, the better. However, this is a misconception. Children need to eat in appropriate portions to avoid excess nutrients and energy being converted into excess fat that accumulates under the skin and in internal organs.

Children need to be trained in healthy eating habits with steamed and boiled dishes, increasing seasonal fruits and vegetables. Children need to eat on time, with a variety of foods, and adequate nutrition from the 4 nutrient groups (protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals).

Increase physical activity

Families should maintain physical activity, let children participate in sports such as badminton, cycling, walking, playing ball, jogging to strengthen family ties. This also helps members improve their health, increase flexibility, and reduce the risk of overweight and obesity. Doctor Hong recommends that children aged 6-17 should be physically active for 60 minutes a day.

Get enough sleep

Children who do not get enough sleep are at risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other diseases. The minimum recommended time for children to sleep during the day is 8-10 hours. Parents need to create a habit for children to sleep on time, quiet bedroom, reduced light, comfortable temperature. Turn off electronic devices at least one hour before going to bed, do not let children eat too much, drink stimulants before bedtime.

Reduce screen time

Using electronic devices for a long time causes children to reduce physical activity and eat unhealthy foods (consuming a lot of soft drinks, fast food, sweets, snacks, milk tea, etc.). This habit also causes children to often sleep late – the cause of obesity. Parents need to limit the time children spend watching TV, playing video games on computers and phones.

Avoid stress

Stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol. This hormone makes children crave more food and eat more sugary and fatty foods. Relaxing with healthy games can help prevent childhood obesity.

Dr. Hong recommends that parents should regularly monitor their children’s weight and height. If there are any abnormalities, take your child to an endocrinologist for timely advice and treatment to prevent obesity.

By Editor

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