Is grade three fatty liver dangerous?

Fatty liver is a condition in which fat or lipids accumulate in liver cells at a higher level than normal. Depending on the amount of fat accumulated in the liver, fatty liver is divided into three levels. Grade one fatty liver (mild) has fat accounting for about 5-10% of liver weight. Grade two fatty liver (moderate) is equivalent to fat accounting for 10-25% of liver weight. Grade three fatty liver, when fat is more than 30% of liver weight, is the most severe level.

The disease is caused by many factors such as drinking alcohol causing liver poisoning. Alcohol from alcohol attacks and damages liver cells leading to impaired liver detoxification function.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease comes from lifestyle, including unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise. People who eat too much food containing oil, fat, and carbohydrates are at high risk of accumulating fat in the liver. Lack of exercise, diseases such as obesity, diabetes, fatty blood, high blood pressure, pituitary disorders… are also causes of fatty liver.

Many cases of grade 3 fatty liver occur due to the impact of other health problems such as diabetes, fatty blood, high blood pressure, polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary gland disorders… These diseases cause liver dysfunction, leading to the progression to the highest level of fatty liver.

Doctor Doan Hoang Long examines a patient. Illustration photo: Tam Anh General Hospital

Symptoms of early-stage fatty liver disease are often unclear and difficult to detect. Subjective psychology and not having regular health check-ups can also cause the disease to progress to the later stages. Severe disease progression or complications include symptoms such as loss of appetite, pain, discomfort in the upper right abdomen, itchy skin, yellow eyes, jaundice, dark urine, swollen legs, etc.

Grade 3 fatty liver is a severe stage, if not controlled and improved, there is a risk of complications such as hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer, progressing to liver cancer. Those with grade 3 fatty liver need timely care and treatment to control symptoms and prevent complications. Patients need to take medication to support the treatment of fatty liver and other comorbidities as prescribed by their doctor.

At the same time, patients need to have a scientific diet, exercise, work and rest regimen such as not drinking alcohol, controlling other diseases well (if any). Lose weight if overweight, rest properly, avoid staying up late. Increase fiber from green vegetables, fresh fruits, foods rich in omega-3. Limit foods high in fat, cholesterol, starch, sugar or salt. Exercise regularly every day.

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