Which method is the most effective in removing tattoos, is it painful, how long does it take, and what are the risks are questions many people have about tattoo removal.

Who can remove tattoos?

Generally, healthy, non-smokers can have their tattoos removed when they need to. Other factors that determine whether tattoo removal is appropriate include the size, color, location, and length of time the tattoo was done, health, medications being taken, and whether the person is prone to scarring.

What methods remove tattoos?

When you get a tattoo, ink is placed in the dermis, the second layer of your skin. This is the layer below the epidermis, which is the surface layer of your skin that is constantly shedding and changing. Because tattoo ink is deposited deeper than the surface of your skin, it is more difficult to remove. There are many methods for removing tattoos, depending on the color of the tattoo, your skin color, and your health history.

Laser: Laser tattoo removal is the most common method. The laser breaks the tattoo ink into very small pieces, which are then eliminated by the body’s immune system. The number of treatments depends on the size and color of the tattoo. The first treatment is considered successful if about half of the tattoo ink is removed.

This method works best on dark tattoos. Blue, red, and yellow ink are difficult to remove with lasers. White ink tattoos are difficult to remove because the laser can cause the ink to oxidize and become unusable. Laser tattoo removal is not always effective and can also cause scarring or leave an area of ​​skin that is lighter than the surrounding skin.

Dermabrasion: This method of tattoo removal does not actually affect the ink, but causes slight damage to the epidermis, activating the body’s immune response, helping to lighten the tattoo’s pigment. This method can fade the tattoo but usually does not completely remove it. Besides, there is a risk of scarring or causing more skin discoloration.

Surgical resection: This is a good option for very small tattoos. The doctor cuts away the tattooed skin, then stitches the surrounding skin back together. This method can effectively remove the tattoo in one go, but it risks scarring and is not suitable for large tattoos.

Tattoo before (left) and after 3 Pico laser treatments at Tam Anh General Hospital. Photo: Dinh Tien

Is tattoo removal painful?

Laser tattoo removal is painless or minimal. Dermabrasion can cause pain in the area of ​​tattoo removal for a few days. Surgical excision requires anesthesia or sedation before the procedure because it is painful. Depending on the size of the tattoo, each laser session takes about 10-30 minutes, but multiple treatments are required. Surgical excision of a tattoo takes several hours but only needs to be performed once.

Should I remove tattoos at home?

Removing tattoos at home is not recommended by dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons because it is not effective. Some creams advertised to remove tattoos only penetrate the top layer of the skin, not the dermis, so they only help to fade the ink color. Most tattoo removal creams contain acids, which can irritate or burn the skin.

How to take care of skin after tattoo removal?

After laser tattoo removal, the area may bleed or develop a mild rash. The person removing the tattoo should avoid exposing the area to sunlight for a week, avoid scratching, avoid swimming and saunas, and avoid using soaps and perfumes on the area for 48 hours. Aloe vera gel can be used to soothe itching and keep the skin moist.

Should I get a tattoo over an old one?

Sometimes the best way to remove an old tattoo is to cover it with a new one. If you choose this method, make sure you really like it, as new tattoos are often larger and therefore more difficult to remove.

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