Early symptoms of lung cancer often include persistent cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, voice changes, and weight loss and fatigue.

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins when abnormal cells grow out of control in the lungs. The two most common types of lung cancer are non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC) and small cell carcinoma (SCLC). NSCLC is more common and grows slowly, while SCLC is less common but usually grows quickly. The Global Cancer Organization (Globocan) records lung cancer as the leading cause of new cases, with 2,480,000 and 1,817,000 deaths in 2022.

Because the lungs have very few nerve cells, cancer cells often grow easily without causing discomfort to the patient, especially in the early stages. However, a few noticeable early symptoms can help in timely detection and treatment.

Persistent cough

Coughing is a natural reflex of the body to prevent foreign particles from entering the airways and lungs. Sometimes this can be a symptom of a cold or flu but usually does not last more than 10 days. In people with lung cancer, cough occurs frequently, persistently without any known cause for several months or even years.

Shortness of breath

Cancer cells that begin to multiply rapidly in the lungs will block or narrow the airways, thereby reducing the flow of air into the lungs. This makes it difficult for the patient to inhale enough air to transport to all parts of the body, causing shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.


Lung cancer can also change a person’s voice, causing it to sound hoarse. This happens over time, and lung cancer is not the only reason for voice changes. Anyone who experiences any unusual changes in their voice should seek medical attention promptly.

Body ache

Body aches and pains are so common that many people ignore them until they start to affect their daily activities. There are many reasons why your body aches and pains, such as after sitting for too long or exercising too hard. People with lung cancer often feel pain in their chest, shoulders or back.

Weight loss, fatigue

When suffering from any type of cancer, malignant tumor cells use energy provided by food intake, which can easily lead to fatigue and weight loss. Unexplained rapid weight loss in a short period of time warns of underlying health conditions, including lung cancer. Sudden weight change is an important sign of cancer that should not be ignored and should be checked early.

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