Who is at risk if they skip breakfast?

Everyone should not skip breakfast, especially people with digestive problems, poor health, the elderly, diabetics or heart patients.

Many people think that breakfast is just a side meal so they often skip it, which seriously affects the body. Experts believe that breakfast is very necessary. In principle, after finishing dinner, overnight until 6am the next day is about 10-12 hours of empty stomach, not to mention the body has to prepare energy for a new working day. Therefore, after this time, the body needs to replenish energy.

Doctor Nguyen Trong Hung, National Institute of Nutrition, said many studies show that people who eat breakfast tend to be healthier, less likely to be overweight, obese and have a lower risk of some chronic diseases than people who do not have this habit.

Not eating breakfast makes the body lack energy. The body has to mobilize a reserve of sugar and protein for all activities, making the skin surface dry and malnourished. Therefore, people who skip breakfast are prone to wrinkles around the eyes and face, accelerating the aging process. Hunger also makes it difficult for you to concentrate, affecting work performance.

Skipping breakfast leads to eating a lot at noon and dinner to replenish energy. Meanwhile, in the evening, there is not much activity, the food will not be able to digest in time, causing the body’s heat to increase, and the amount of fat accumulated will increase. This is the cause of overweight and obesity.

Doctor Huynh Tan Vu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Campus 3, said that some groups of people are more sensitive to changes in diet, and skipping breakfast can be more dangerous than for healthy people.

People with digestive problems

People with digestive diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux, skipping breakfast are at risk of the condition becoming worse. The stomach is always contracting, gastric juice is secreted but there is nothing to digest, over time it will cause stomach ulcers, leading to a decline in the body’s immune system.

People with poor health

People with poor health, weak immune systems, people who are weak, tired… need energy and nutrition from breakfast to maintain health and support the recovery process. Skipping breakfast can weaken the immune system, making it more susceptible to infection and disease. Not to mention, fatigue and weakness can become worse and reduce the ability to participate in daily activities.

Old person

Skipping breakfast can lead to a lack of essential nutrients, making the body feel more tired and lacking in energy. Elderly people are prone to hypoglycemia, skipping breakfast can cause low blood sugar levels, causing symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, and even fainting.


People with diabetes need to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Skipping breakfast can cause blood sugar fluctuations, which are dangerous to health.

Cardiovascular disease

Skipping breakfast can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, due to sudden changes in blood sugar and blood pressure. For people with cardiovascular disease, breakfast is very important to provide energy, maintain stable blood sugar levels and ensure adequate nutrition. If you intend to change your diet, you should consult a doctor or nutritionist to ensure safety and effectiveness for your health.

Sticky rice is one of the dishes you should eat in the morning to recharge your energy. Photo: Viet Nguyen

Doctor Hung recommends eating vermicelli, pho, sticky rice, bread… for breakfast to recharge your energy. A package of sticky rice contains protein, fat and a lot of energy from starch. Vermicelli is rich in nutrients and can provide more protein. In general, in terms of quality, eating a bowl of vermicelli or pho will be more balanced than eating a package of sticky rice.

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