“The July-August heat back then was very heavy,” wrote and singer Shlomo Artzi, but in fact, this year it started even earlier. in June. June heat has become a real issue in Israel – and in the whole world. Heat that adds to the emotional difficulty we face for months on end, impairs the ability to ventilate and relax outside the home, and has an effect on the body and mind.

As temperatures rise in the summer, the risk of bacteria multiplying in food increases, which can lead to food poisoning and health problems. So get a guide this week for maintaining food safety in the hot season.

Between heat and body health

In the summer, more people go out for meals outdoors – at the sea, in the pool, on picnics or for meals in the garden and in the yard and to prepare meat “on the fire”, so the exposure of the food to inadequate environmental conditions, without refrigeration, and the chance of infections increases. In the summer, there is also a tendency to consume more fresh food such as fruits , which may be contaminated if not washed properly.

In the summer heat, there is a chance of increased proliferation of viruses and bacteria in food and drink, which cause diarrhea and vomiting. The humidity is a favorable environment for the development of fungi and molds. These enter the body through the food or dishes, therefore the chance of diarrhea and vomiting increases.

These are sometimes accompanied by abdominal pain, as this is one of the body’s ways of getting rid of pests that have penetrated it. The cause of diarrhea/vomiting is usually an infection of microorganisms: common bacteria are listeria, salmonella and E. coli, viruses such as adenovirus and rota, or parasites such as pinworm.

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Beyond the temporary unpleasantness, diarrhea or vomiting is usually not a dangerous situation, but we must be aware of their high incidence in the summer, especially among sensitive populations such as babies, pregnant women, the elderly and those whose immune systems are weak as a result of diseases or treatments such as dialysis or chemotherapy.

One of the immediate dangers of diarrhea is dehydration – loss of fluids, salts and sugars. In sensitive populations, they can cause real dysfunction and even require hospitalization.

Attention and a little trouble will help keep the food as clean as possible from infections and subsequently from unpleasant symptoms in the digestive system. There are foods that are particularly sensitive to spoilage, such as meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, cooked food, mayonnaise, cut fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in protein or moisture or both, and are an excellent substrate for bacteria to multiply. In addition, some are consumed without cooking, which increases the risk.

Ways to reduce food spoilage

How do you identify spoilage? Sometimes a bad smell, impaired taste, change in color and texture warn us, but we will not always be able to identify the spoiled food. Therefore, it may be worthwhile first of all to take steps that will prevent or at least reduce food spoilage.

Maintaining an appropriate temperature: foods at a temperature of 5-60 degrees must be left out of the refrigerator or oven for up to two hours. It is important to observe rapid cooling, that is, cooling cooked food and storing it in the refrigerator within two hours or less of preparation.

American health and food safety organizations such as the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) or the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) recommend shortening the safe time to one hour or less when the temperature of the food exceeds 32 degrees Celsius. Food that we prepared at home and took for a trip, to the pool or the sea should be stored in coolers with ice cubes for cold food – and in insulated containers for hot food.

Food that stays on the table for a long time in a room that is not air-conditioned, such as salads and spreads, and thawed meat that is left for a long time in the sun before grilling, may spoil. The chances of spoiled food are greater, when it is sold at roadside stalls or on the street that is exposed to heat and sometimes even direct sunlight.

Proper storage: the poem “Summer fruits and autumn fruits” by Chava Alberstein describes the differences between the seasons and the abundance of summer fruits compared to autumn fruits. “Summer fruits – sweet, niger juice”.

Natural juices (photo: ingimages.com)

The high water content in fruits such as watermelon, melon and grapes makes the fruits more vulnerable to the growth and development of bacteria. The high temperatures accelerate the ripening and spoilage process of the fruits. And the heat also affects the rate of the chemical and biological reactions that occur in the fruit.

In addition, many summer fruits have a softer texture than winter fruits, making them more vulnerable to physical damage and infections.
Therefore, the summer fruits require stricter storage conditions after picking to slow down the spoilage process.

Failure to adhere to these conditions may lead to rapid spoilage. It is easier for us consumers to monitor and prevent damage to the freshness of fruits and vegetables, when the quantities purchased are not large. The best method for preserving the quality of fresh produce is refrigeration, to reduce water loss.

In the home refrigerator it is recommended to keep the fruits intact, it is also possible to keep them cut in a tightly closed box, although this will harm their nutritional quality. Because the surface area is larger, they are more exposed to light and oxygen. It is important to clean the fruit and vegetable drawer in the refrigerator every week, spread absorbent paper to absorb liquids that come out of the fruits and vegetables during the breathing process.

Maintaining cleanliness: washing hands before preparing food, paying attention to the cleanliness of work surfaces and utensils before and after use, washing fruits and vegetables before eating. However, do not wash with soap, as soap residues may remain, therefore it is enough to rub under the tap when the water is running near to eating, not beforehand.

By Editor

One thought on “As temperatures rise, the risk of bacteria increases: these are the foods that will survive”
  1. https://www.tumblr.com/carynokey/752796925377593344/die-di%C3%A4tetischen-profil-fruit-gummies-was-sie?source=share

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