8 food groups help broken bones heal quickly

Foods rich in calcium, protein, vitamins C, D, iron, zinc such as milk, salmon, eggs, etc. help reduce pain and inflammation, supporting the recovery process of broken bones.

A fracture is a condition in which a bone breaks in two lengthwise or crosswise or into multiple pieces. A person can suffer this injury in any area of ​​the body if it is subjected to excessive force.

Doctor Tran Thi Tra Phuong, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Tam Anh General Hospital, Hanoi, said that in addition to treating bone fractures as prescribed by a musculoskeletal doctor, a scientific nutritional regimen supports the repair and recovery of broken bones.

Calcium rich foods such as milk, broccoli, kale, soybeans, salmon. The body cannot produce calcium – the main mineral of bones, which plays a key role in the development, protection, and healing of bone damage. Calcium also supports muscle contraction, blood clotting, hormone release, and nerve signaling, helping bones heal quickly. Adults should consume 1-1.2 g of calcium per day to ensure comprehensive bone development.

Protein rich foods such as white meat, red meat, salmon, eggs, milk, cheese, beans. About half of the bone structure comes from protein. When a bone is broken, the body needs a large amount of protein to regenerate the bone. Protein provides an essential component to create collagen, helping to maintain the balance between calcium absorption and consumption in the body. Protein deficiency reduces bone density, affecting the bone healing process.

Foods rich in vitamin D such as salmon, herring, animal liver, egg yolks, milk, promote calcium absorption from the digestive tract. Vitamin D deficiency in the body affects the absorption and use of calcium, easily leading to osteoporosis, making bones weak and brittle. In addition to food, people with broken bones can effectively supplement vitamin D when the body is exposed to direct sunlight for about 10-15 minutes a day.

Foods rich in vitamin C such as guava, orange, berries, tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes. Vitamin C participates in the process of collagen regeneration – a protein necessary for building and maintaining bone and cartilage structure. This process is important in helping to heal damaged bones. Vitamin C has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving effects, helps increase resistance, limits the risk of infection, bacterial infection, helps bones heal quickly.

Iron rich foods such as red meat, chicken, eggs, dried fruit, whole grains support the healing process of broken bones. Iron is a major component of red blood cells, supporting the transport of oxygen to tissues and cells throughout the body, including bones. People with broken bones who are iron deficient increase the risk of co-morbid anemia, causing broken bones to heal slowly.

Foods rich in potassium such as seafood, bananas, orange juice, potatoes, nuts. Potassium minerals play an important role in building and regenerating the body’s muscle and bone systems. People with broken bones supplement potassium from foods to help prevent or reduce the amount of calcium excreted through the kidneys to retain the necessary calcium, supporting the healing of broken bones.

Foods rich in magnesium such as spinach, nuts, bananas, avocados, whole grains. Magnesium participates in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body, has the ability to neutralize acids, and protects bone density. When suffering from a broken bone, the patient should increase magnesium-rich foods to support the regeneration and recovery process.

Foods rich in zinc such as seafood, cereals, eggs, nuts, bread. Zinc has the ability to coordinate with vitamin D, promote calcium absorption, help broken bones heal quickly. Zinc also contributes to increasing resistance, reducing the risk of infection, supporting new bone cells to grow and develop quickly to “connect” the broken bone position.

Dr. Tra Phuong said that although broken bones can heal on their own, there is also a risk of complications if not treated promptly or incorrectly. Patients with signs of broken bones should be examined and treated at a medical facility with a musculoskeletal specialist. Patients should limit alcohol consumption and stay away from cigarette smoke. Avoid or reduce foods high in salt, sugar, fat or canned foods containing preservatives. Work, exercise and rest scientifically.

Supplementing some natural essences such as Eggshell membrane extract, undenatured Collagen type II and hydrolyzed Collagen peptide, Chondroitin sulfate (main component of the extracellular matrix structure), Turmeric root extract… helps relieve pain and strengthen bones and joints.

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