A short nap of about 30 minutes can improve digestion, reduce stress and fatigue, and maintain a more alert feeling in the afternoon.

Taking a nap has become a daily habit for many people, not only helping the body rest but also bringing many health benefits.

Improve digestion

Napping helps the body relax, focusing all its energy on digesting lunch and absorbing nutrients. Sleeping after lunch helps prevent problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation… Feeling bloated can occur due to eating too quickly or other reasons. A short nap can speed up the digestion process, reduce discomfort and bloating.

Improve sleep quality

Napping during the day is less likely to disrupt your nighttime sleep schedule. This is more common in people with irregular nighttime sleep patterns or sleep deprivation. A 30-minute nap between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., combined with moderate exercise during the day, can improve the quality of your nighttime sleep.

Good for brain

Short naps during the day are very important for children to learn and develop. Children who nap regularly have the ability to remember what they have learned better. It is part of the brain’s memory retention mechanism. Children sleep more during the day than adults, about 60-90 minutes.

Improve mood

A short afternoon nap can improve your mood, increase your creativity, and restore your memory. This short nap also helps your brain remember what you learned in the morning and improves your alertness.

Reduce stress

People who regularly work at night or wake up in the middle of the night are likely to feel tired the next day. The stress level will increase if this habit continues for a long time. In this case, maintaining a short nap, no more than 30 minutes, can help. Napping after lunch brings many benefits, but you should avoid sleeping after 4pm or too much. Avoid stimulants such as tea, coffee, cigarettes, chocolate after lunch to avoid affecting sleep.

Awake in the afternoon

The daytime slump usually occurs between 1pm and 4pm. During this time, your body temperature drops slightly and you start to feel tired and lethargic. Taking a nap can help you stay alert.

By Editor

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