Medicine from lemon peel

Lemon peel can be combined with other benign medicinal herbs to cure coughs, treat toothaches, eliminate headaches, flu and treat arthritis.

According to Dr. Huynh Tan Vu, CK2, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital – Campus 3, lemon is a popular citrus fruit. While the pulp and juice of this fruit are most commonly used, the peel tends to be discarded.

But the fiber, vitamin, and antioxidant content of lemon peels has been studied to support dental, immune, and cardiovascular health, and may even have some anti-cancer properties.

Below are some effective remedies combined from lemon peel and many other benign medicinal herbs, everyone can refer to. You should consult your doctor before using.

Cough treatment

Method 1:

Use 10g of lemon root and bark, 10g of mulberry root bark, 8g of thuja leaves, chop them finely and fry them until golden brown. Next, boil the mixture with 200ml of water until the water is reduced to 50ml, then strain the water and use it during the day.

Method 2:

Use 12g of lemon peel, 10g of yellow flower sorrel leaves, 8g of chives leaves, 8g of river bone leaves, 5g of bitter melon seeds, 2g of alum, boil to get water to drink. Before drinking, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar to make it easier to drink.

Cure toothache, tooth decay

Use 12g of fresh lemon peel, 10g of hybrid bark, 10g of wild eggplant root, 10g of canarium bark. Put the ingredients in a pot and boil until the solution is concentrated. Each time you use it, hold a mouthful in your mouth for about 5-10 minutes then spit it out to treat toothache.

Cure headache, flu

The decoction consists of 50g of lemon leaves, 50g of lemon peel, 50g of bamboo leaves, 50g of grapefruit leaves, 50g of basil, 50g of chrysanthemum, 20g of mint, 3 cloves of garlic, and 2 lemongrass stalks. When the pot of medicine boils and gives off a strong aroma, steam your body to sweat a lot and relieve colds.

Cure arthritis

Method 1:

Put some lemon peel in a cup with some eucalyptus leaves and olive oil. Cover the cup tightly and leave for about 2 weeks.

Use a clean cloth soaked in the mixture to apply to the painful joint. Keep the cloth overnight to see effective joint pain relief.

Method 2:

Boil lemon peel in clean water for a few minutes and stir well. If you can’t stand the bitter taste, you can add a little honey and drink it warm.

Method 3:

Take a few lemons, wash them, and grate a thin layer of the peel. Apply the entire grated lemon peel powder to the painful joint area, and secure the powder with a bandage. Keep the mixture on the painful joint area for 2-3 hours to relieve pain.

Note when using medicine from lemon peel

Lemon peel has good uses but should not be abused. Using too much lemon peel can face the risk of forming kidney stones. The reason for this is because the oxalate content in lemon peel is quite high, when introduced into the body, it will transform into crystalline form. These crystals prevent the body from absorbing calcium, thereby forming kidney stones.

Therefore, to be safer, consult your doctor to know the appropriate dosage for your personal condition.

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