Benefits of garlic for children

Garlic is effective in relieving stomachache, asthma, cold, cough and helps improve digestive health in children if eaten in the right amount.

Garlic contains a natural compound called allicin which has many outstanding benefits. This bulb is also rich in essential nutrients, good for adults and children.

Reduce intestinal problems

Eating garlic helps reduce some intestinal symptoms such as colitis, diarrhea and dysentery. This spice helps eliminate harmful bacteria and parasites in the intestines such as worms without affecting the function of beneficial bacteria.

Lower blood pressure

Allicin compounds have the effect of relaxing blood vessels, increasing blood circulation, contributing to lowering blood pressure. Garlic also helps reduce platelet aggregation that can easily cause blood clots and prevent thrombosis in children.

Promote digestion

Using garlic as a spice in your baby’s meals helps prevent digestive problems. Garlic helps absorb and break down food in the small and large intestines, thereby promoting smooth digestive system function. It also has the effect of soothing symptoms of irritation and inflammation of the digestive tract in young children.

Reduce asthma symptoms

This root has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Since asthma is an inflammatory disease, eating this root can also help reduce symptoms.

Helps improve colds and coughs

Raw garlic has many medicinal properties for colds and coughs, acting as an expectorant, loosening mucus. This helps the body remove mucus from the airways, reducing coughs and throat irritation. Parents can give their children two crushed fresh garlic cloves to relieve cough and cold symptoms.

Boost the immune system

Allicin has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. Therefore, eating garlic can help the body destroy pathogens and strengthen the immune system. Aged garlic also contains some compounds that improve the function of the immune system by regulating the production of cytokines. This is a type of protein that controls inflammation in the body.

Improve heart health

Eating garlic also has a positive effect on cardiovascular health in the long term. It reduces blood lipids, high cholesterol, fat, and prevents cardiovascular diseases. This effect is largely due to the main active ingredient of garlic, allicin.

Parents can add minced garlic when preparing various meals for their children, such as soups, sauces, spreads, fries, pasta. Raw garlic should not be given to children under 6 months of age.

Garlic is generally safe for children, but parents should be careful about the dosage. Excessive consumption can increase skin and digestive irritation. Children who eat 1-2 cloves a day can receive many benefits.

By Editor

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