Not getting enough sleep, thyroid disease, dehydration, and overtraining are all causes of exercisers quickly running out of energy and becoming tired.

Many people prepare their physical and mental health well when entering the gym, but after 5-10 minutes of exercise, they feel exhausted, drained of energy, tired, and have headaches. Below are some of the causes of this condition.

Not getting enough sleep

Sleeping less than 7 hours a night, poor sleep does not allow the body to rest, leading to anxiety, fatigue. If you do not sleep, the body releases more cortisol and adrenaline hormones that cause stress. When you start exercising, cortisol levels continue to reduce the body’s ability to recover.

Improve sleep quality by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule (waking up and going to bed at the same time every day), keeping your bedroom clean and quiet. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol in the evening.

Have thyroid disease

According to the American Thyroid Association, thyroid hormones play a major role in regulating metabolism, which is the process by which the body converts food into usable energy.

If thyroid hormone levels are too low, the body produces less energy than it needs. When levels are high, people often experience an initial increase in energy, but this quickly drains, leading to weakness.

Doctor examines patient’s thyroid. Photo:Tam Anh General Hospital


Dehydration also contributes to fatigue during exercise because the heart has to work harder. Not drinking enough water reduces the total volume of blood, which puts stress on the heart. The heart needs to beat faster and harder to get enough nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

Sweating during exercise causes the body to lose important electrolytes such as sodium and potassium. Both are essential for the body to maintain healthy energy. People who exercise regularly should drink plenty of water and eat watermelon and bananas to replenish potassium and sodium.

Carbohydrate deficiency

Carbohydrates (carbs) are the body’s main source of energy. A diet lacking in carbs can cause the body to not receive enough energy, causing excessive sweating, exhaustion and fatigue quickly. Exercisers supplement carbs from healthy foods such as fruits, green leafy vegetables, and beans.

The body does not have enough time to recover.

Over-exercising creates oxidative stress, damages cells and tissues in the body, increases the risk of injury, and causes rapid exhaustion. Too much exercise is also harmful to mental health and can easily lead to depression. That is why people get tired quickly and do not have enough energy to complete their goals. You should listen to your body, stop at the right time, and distribute your exercise schedule according to your physical condition. Do gentle recovery exercises such as yoga or take a walk after intense exercise.

Iron deficiency

Low iron levels cause the body to receive less oxygen, which causes the muscles and brain to produce energy less efficiently. When cells don’t have enough oxygen, the body can’t function at its best.

By Editor

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