“People complain that their flights for the summer vacation have been canceled as if everything is normal”
It has been 314 days that the families of the abductees have been fighting for the release of their loved ones from the captivity of Hamas. Since October 7, the struggle has been led not only by the members of the nuclear family, but also by family members from the second and third circle – uncles, cousins, nephews and grandchildren, who put their whole lives aside, and went out to fight for the moral cause of all.Gali and Ziv Berman, 26-year-old twins, were kidnapped on the seventh of October from their home in the youth neighborhood in Kfar Gaza. Their mother Talia, is not often exposed in the media, and their father Doron fell ill a few years ago with Parkinson’s and was recognized as 100% disabled. The one who has been making their voice heard for the last ten months is Maccabet Meir, Talia’s sister, and the twins’ aunt. “We are complete circles of families who are in this hell, in the struggle and the war to return all the abductees,” she says in an interview with Mako health. “Talia, my sister, is constantly involved in family activities, but it is very difficult for her to be exposed and interviewed. This is something she chooses not to do because it weakened her and crushed her to talk about the boys when they are not present. Since October 7, Doron’s health has deteriorated, as has the condition of The grandfather and grandmother, so that I, together with the brothers of Gali and Ziv, make their voices and their messages heard.”

For Maccabet and the rest of the family, the main place of work since October 7 is the family HML. “Everything has changed since then, I no longer work the way I did before, for me there is no parallel universe. We are on edge, all the families of the abductees, and we still continue to function. We live between the sacred and the profane, when the sacred for us is the action for the return of all the abducted, and the profane just drives me crazy. I have zero patience for the parallel world, for normality, for ordinary life. I want to take down the shelter in the country, so that everyone will be in fear and terror. People complain that their flights for their summer vacation have been canceled, complain about things that I ask myself, ‘Isn’t it possible that everything continues as usual?'”

The outline discussed in recent weeks presents a deal in stages. Maccabet knows that if such a deal is signed, Gali and Ziv will not be included in the first stage of the return of the abductees. “We have been on a rollercoaster in the last few days, with cautious optimism that a deal will be signed. We are accustomed to disappointments, yet we move between hope and hope and hope that there will be some kind of beginning of a deal. We would of course like it to be a deal that would include everyone, but we understand that it is not in our hands. We do They shout that it is impossible to have a deal that does not include all of them, so that none of them remain in Gaza. We have no idea what the condition of each of the abductees is, who is stronger, who survived Answer, there is a question of rescue here, because every second in the hands of these murderers is a real danger to their lives. It pains me to say this, but I would like the public to try to imagine for a moment, in my sister’s mind, that her two sons came out of her womb, and have never been separated since, and on One disappeared from life, disappeared to hell. I feel that there is not enough understanding and recognition of the urgency of the agreement.”

“Go tell the National Insurance that Yaffe Ader’s grandchildren left everything they had, and are sharing the care of the family in Nir Oz”

Adriana Ader, the 85-year-old daughter-in-law of Yaffe Ader, who was released from captivity in the hostage deal in November, and the aunt of Tamir Ader (38), who was murdered on Shevah in October, and whose body is kept in Gaza, says that the entire family structure has changed since October 7. “Adult grandchildren went out to fight for their grandfathers, brothers stopped working. It should be remembered that a large part of the nuclear and intimate family members of the abductee were part of the event itself, they themselves were harmed. Go tell someone at National Insurance or in the country in general that Yaffe Ader’s grandchildren left everything they had , and share the care of the family in Nir Oz, we are not the first circle, and we are the ones who are supposed to take care of the affected family members, there is no one else. Who will take care of the adults who do not have spouses?, who will take care of the children who have returned, if not the parents? , are unable to return to normal life, because the returnees also need a lot of help and care, and some of them need the presence of a family member 24/7.”

She also felt mixed feelings about the deal, which, as mentioned, if it goes into action, is not expected to include the return of her nephew’s body in the first stage. “Our feeling on the one hand is very difficult. I still don’t believe there will be a deal, but if there is it will happen in stages, and we know that soldiers and bodies will be there at the end. Our Tamir, also young, was also murdered, was also a member of the emergency squad. Along with that, we hope And we do everything we can to bring the abductees home alive, and we are happy for everyone who returns, and we embrace every family that gets to see their loved one at home. We also experienced this when we received Yaffe back to us, and it is supreme happiness.”

Adar testifies that the mental state of the families is unbearably difficult after more than 300 days of struggle, and they need every little moment of a smile. As a result, at the beginning of the week, she organized a special event at the Biblical Zoo, in collaboration with the Jerusalem Foundation, in which operators and artists, musicians and clowns participated. It was very moving to see everyone’s connection, the families traveling together at ease, managing to smile despite the tension. You could see the sadness in the eyes, the difficulty and the pain, but also the smile, and we need those smiles these days.” According to her, recently there has been difficulty raising donations for such events. “There is perhaps a lack of understanding in the public about the need to strengthen families, and the concern that it is not only for the health and psychological issue, but also for the creation of breathing space, the creation of a community and a home that we need so much.”

She emphasizes that “it is impossible to close a circle until everyone is here, until everyone returns. How will the young families who left the wrap with their children return there and walk inside this cemetery when so many people have not returned? If this circle is not closed, we will be with, A nation that does not uphold the basic values ​​on which we grew and grew up.”

By Editor

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