At the age of 100, Mrs. Ester van den Hoven still exercises regularly, eats a vegetarian diet and participates in community activities to stay healthy.

Ester van den Hoven turned 100 on August 15. On her birthday, the short woman wore blue shorts, a matching shirt and oversized sunglasses. At first glance, no one would have guessed that she had lived a century. Van den Hoven lives in Loma Linda, California, one of the world’s so-called “Blue Zones,” a term used to describe areas where people have the highest life expectancy globally, with few years of life spent in chronic disease.

Like most Loma Linda residents, Ester van den Hoven doesn’t know why she has such a long life and good health. Her friendly, healthy lifestyle is a far cry from that of urban Californians.

According to Hilary Brueck, a medical expert from Business InsiderHoven is “a guidebook that proves what research has shown for a long time: genetics and lifestyle determine longevity.” Hoven seeks to strike a balance between staying active and connected every day, while also promoting peace and serenity. This helps reduce chronic stress.

Ester van den Hoven turned 100 on August 15. Photo: Business Insider

Exercise and diet

Mrs. Hoven participates in as many activities as possible, whether it’s morning aerobics classes at a nursing home, or community programs at her Seventh-day Adventist church.

“Many people find walking or exercising too difficult. They use old age, back pain, or muscle pain as excuses. Meanwhile, I always try to be active in any state,” she said.

Hoven’s diet is not too fussy. She uses fresh vegetables every day, lentils, potatoes. The salad dressings are also made from fruits grown in the garden. Occasionally, she eats a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet, meaning she does not use protein from any meat or fish, but still consumes dairy products such as yogurt, cheese and eggs. Although she loves chocolate, she avoids it because it keeps her awake.

She takes some supplements and prescription drugs, but doesn’t pay much attention to them. Aside from diet and exercise, she doesn’t use any anti-aging products. Her geriatrician, Wessam Labib, calls it a “miracle.”

“Normally, patients her age are not that healthy. They would have diseases like diabetes or congestive heart failure,” he said.

Have a clear purpose in life

Mrs. Hoven’s small apartment is filled with memories. Framed landscape photos shipped from Germany, family photos of her parents, husband, and children hang on the walls.

“I don’t hate, I don’t get angry, I don’t get anxious. Sometimes, at night, I think that maybe I won’t wake up tomorrow, but I’m ready. I pray to God to wake up every day,” Hoven shared.

She strives to live a purposeful life, finding “inner peace” while working hard in Loma Linda. In addition to her genetics and exercise habits, her free-spirited attitude and lifestyle also contribute to her longevity. A 2016 study by Harvard University experts found that women who participate in regular physical activities tend to live longer.

“He has a very cheerful personality and doesn’t pay much attention to things,” said Dr. Labib.

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