How to not gain weight again after losing weight?

When you follow a strict diet, you may lose weight very quickly, but then the weight will stagnate or even increase, due to the body’s energy conservation mechanism.

Researchers have come up with a method of intermittent calorie deficit (calorie cycling) to avoid triggering this “conservation” response of the body, which involves alternating days of low-calorie eating with days of indulgence.

The mechanism of this method is based on the principle that the total amount of calories consumed over a long period of time is still lower than the amount of calories needed to maintain weight. When you apply a low-calorie diet for several consecutive days, the body will use stored energy in the form of fat to compensate for the calorie deficit. When you eat “freely” for a day, the body can absorb more calories, but because of the previous diet days, the total amount of calories for the week is still within the maintenance or deficit level.

So, it is advisable to choose a strict diet for 5 consecutive days and indulge on the weekend. Some people apply a fixed diet for 2-4 weeks, then indulge for 5-7 days. Overall, these methods help you relieve stress, maintain motivation and patience.

However, don’t rely too much on one method, but focus on building a healthy lifestyle overall. Prioritize choosing nutritious foods, control your food portions, and develop a regular exercise routine. At the same time, manage stress, make sure you get enough sleep, and drink enough water.

By Editor

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