The foods that have the potential for significant damage to health
Katelyn Nagy, a dessert development blogger, recently published a list of foods with a potential risk of significant health damage. In some cases, each of them can cause damage and even be fatal. Pay attention to the following list – it will protect your health.Clams: One of the types of seafood containing allergens. There are many who react to eating them with severe to life-threatening allergic reactions. By the way, you should know that allergy signs may also develop indirectly, for example through a kitchen where seafood is cooked in vessels where other foods are cooked.


Mushrooms: Mushrooms that are poisonous for food are known and sold. While most mushrooms are safe to eat, the toxicity can cause severe illness and even death. It is important to know and know how to distinguish between them, especially when picking them independently and before cooking the mushrooms.


Rhubarb leaves (rhubarb or rhubarb): Similar in shape to chard leaves with a red stem, the green leaves can be dangerous due to the high oxalic acid content that can damage the kidneys, cooking does not reduce the toxin. The recommendation is to consume only the stems.

Potatoes: Potatoes are consumed in large quantities around the world and are common in many dishes. But pay attention: when the potatoes turn green, it means that they produce toxins that are dangerous to health (mycotoxins) and especially solanine – these substances can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach pains and even neurological effects. Storage conditions, especially exposure to the sun and heat, affect the formation of toxins – green potatoes should be thrown away and not content with removing the part, as the toxins are spread over the entire potato.

Cassava: It is a starchy root that is consumed in Africa, South America and tropical regions. Tapioca is made from it, and in recent years it has become popular among people who eat a gluten-free diet. Undercooked cassava contains a substance called linamarin that can turn into cyanide. Cyanide is a very toxic substance. In order to prevent its appearance, it is necessary to peel, soak and cook well in order to get rid of this substance.

milk: Unpasteurized milk may contain harmful pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria such as E. coli or Listeria, which may cause serious infections, especially among sensitive populations such as young children, pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems. According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, unpasteurized dairy products should not be consumed.

Sushi: Typical Japanese food containing raw fish, rice, seaweed and other ingredients. Raw fish may contain parasites, bacteria, and viruses that can cause infections in the digestive system. It is important to ensure that the sushi is prepared from fresh fish and prepared with maximum hygiene rules. The Listeria bacterium that may be present in raw fish may cause miscarriages in pregnant women.


The Listeria bacterium that may be present in raw fish may cause miscarriages in pregnant women | Photo: Chudo2307, ShutterStock


Carambola: A unique star-shaped tropical fruit that contains a neurological toxin called crombuxin, may harm kidney patients. In some cases, consumption of carambola can lead to neurological symptoms such as: confusion, convulsions and even death. Transplant patients must not consume the fruit due to their effect on the anti-rejection drugs.

Dag Abu Nafha: Parts of this fish contain a toxin called tetrodotoxin which is a neurological toxin that can paralyze muscles including respiratory muscles. Only trained and licensed chefs are approved to handle the removal of the toxic parts.

margarine: This is a spread prepared from vegetable oils that go through the hardening process. Hydrogenated vegetable fat contains saturated fat and other components that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Raw meat: Raw or partially cooked beef, chicken, and pork may contain bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli, and campylobacter, which are potentially toxic, especially for sensitive populations. Prolonged cooking destroys the bacteria.

honey: Honey is a sweet substance prepared from flowers by bees. Babies under the age of one should not be allowed to consume it due to the danger of exposure to a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum which can cause a serious neurological disease at this age.


Tuna – a fish that may contain large amounts of mercury | Photo: By kobeza


Uncooked eggs: may contain salmonella. This bacterium can cause an infection in the digestive system and is especially dangerous for patients with a weakened immune system and pregnant women.

tuna: From fresh tuna to canned tuna – this is a popular fish that some of its species, especially the large ones such as bluefin, contain a high amount of mercury. High consumption of mercury is especially harmful to pregnant women, lactating women and young children. It is recommended to consume mini tuna with a low mercury content and in moderation.

Nutmeg: An aromatic spice that is safe to use in small amounts, a large amount of the spice may have a toxic effect and lead to symptoms such as hallucinations, nausea, dizziness and heart rhythm irregularities. These occur due to a substance called myristicin.

Elderberry: A black-purple fruit that is mainly used to make nutritional supplements. It is safe to use only after cooking. According to an article published in the scientific journal molecules And in a detailed analysis, it was found that next to all the substances beneficial to our health in the plant, there is also a substance from the cyanide family. This substance breaks down after heat treatment (cooking) and then the plant is safe for consumption.


It is better to eat roasted or boiled cashews | Photo: Imagebank / Thinkstock


Cherry kernels: The kernels of the cherries contain prussic acid whose familiar name is cyanide. When it is consumed in large quantities it is a toxic substance that can collapse when the kernel is chewed or crushed.

cashew: This nut contains an acid called anacardic acid, which can cause stomach discomfort. Another substance in Kashio – Urvshiol may cause itching. In order to reduce the chance of suffering from these symptoms, it is better to eat roasted or boiled cashews than raw.

Sausages: Sausages are the main food that causes choking in children. Their shape and smooth texture make them very dangerous for toddlers, especially under the age of 5.

bean sprouts: Apparently, it seems that this is a healthy and high-fiber food. However, the growth conditions of the sprouts and the difficulty in washing them may leave many bacteria on them such as E. colisalmonella and listeria. These infections are especially dangerous for pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems.

Apple seeds: These contain a substance called amygdalin that turns into cyanide. Consuming a high amount of them can cause neurological disorders. By the way, the danger is only in chewing them and not in swallowing whole kernels.


Dr. Siegel Frishman, national dietitian of the hospitals of the General Hospital

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